Chapter 3: Doubts

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"You have to try again Cisco!  She has to be around here someplace?  This is Caitlin!.."  Barry growled at him a bit  Since the day at the park, Caitlin had suddenly turned up missing.  Barry was extremely worried.  Not only had their fear been becoming true, but Caitlin was now scared.  And her powers would be out of hand.  Barry knew she wasn't going to want to hurt anybody.  But her powers right now would be unpredictable.  He knew that she had already run because she didn't want to hurt her family.  Cisco glared at Barry a little trying not to let him get to him.  He knew Barry was worried, and he over reacted when he was worried.  Especially when it came to Caitlin.  "I know that Barry.."  He said trying not to sound too harsh with him.  Barry sighed, and finally stopped pacing.

"Look Barry, we are going to find her.  I know we will.  I am worried about her too.  Caitlin is my best friend..  How is Bethany and Emily?"  "They're okay.  They're just as worried about their mother as I am.  They're staying with Iris and Eddie right now.  Cisco nodded.  "Ah hah!"  He shouted as something on the screen popped up.  "I found her.."  Barry quickly rushed to stand behind Cisco so he could see the address on the computer screen.  Barry took a deep breath.  He knew where she was.  It was where he had proposed to her.  She was there to keep her memories in tact.  Barry quickly sped off before Caitlin had decided to move on and came to the park bridge. 

"Caitlin..."  He said quietly after standing silently behind her for a few minutes.  Caitlin closed her eyes hearing Barry's voice.  "Barry.."  She whispered.  She slowly turned around and what Barry saw next completely shocked him.  Though it shouldn't of shocked him that much, as he saw what she was like on earth 2.  How much even her looks changed.  It looked like Caitlin had been crying.  Barry slowly began to approach her but she extended her hand forming an ice cube between the two of them, making him jolt back in even more shocked.  "Don't come any closer.."  She muttered.

"Caitlin..  Please..  Please just come home..  The girls miss you..  I miss you.."  She took a deep breath.  "I can't come home.  I can't hurt anyone.  Especially you and our girls.."  "Caitlin.  You wanted me to keep reminding you, of who you are, so you wouldn't become her.  That is what I am trying to do. All you need to do, is let me help you.  Please.."  He stepped to his left so the ice cube Caitlin had formed wasn't in their way and slowly extended his hand.  He stayed waiting there patiently, letting Caitlin come to him first. 

"What if they hate me for disappearing on them?"  She asks glancing up at him, as Barry had taken her hand and they began walking back to the house.  "And how am I going to explain this...  Appearance?"  Barry took a deep breath.  "Bethany is old enough and knows somewhat of what's going on.  The only concern is figuring out a way to tell Emily.  The girls won't be mad at you."  He said giving her hand a small squeeze, feeling how cold her hand was when he took it.  "They are worried about you.."

Once Caitlin and Barry stepped inside the house and closed the door, she could hear footsteps coming down the stairs.  "Mommy!"  Emily exclaimed excitedly as she rushed to Caitlin, Bethany following Emily behind her down the stairs.  Caitlin wrapped her arms around Emily hugging her smiling.  "I'm so sorry.."  She whispered.  "I missed you mommy.."  Emily said.  "I've missed you too sweetie.."  Once Emily let go, Bethany took her turn hugging Caitlin next.  She pulled back looking at her mother slightly surprised.  "Wow.  You really are cold.."  She muttered.  Caitlin bit her lips and glances over at Barry.  "Okay you two.  Let your mother get some rest."  Bethany and Emily nodded and left the living room.  Bethany picked up Emily to take her back upstairs with her.

"You will continue to keep an eye on them if.." Caitlin wasn't sure if she could continue the sentence.  She didn't want to think about it if she had to leave them.  Barry wrapped his arms around her to give her a hug.  "You won't have to...  Try and get some rest.  I'll get some dinner on while you do."  Caitlin nodded then pulled away to walk upstairs to their room.

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