first day on the job

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"Rise and shine, men,"

A groan is heard from in the corner of the bunker, where a black haired man tossed in his restless sleep. He sat up groggily, his hands resting on his face.

His legs swung around the cot, his bare feet resting on the floor as he shivered. Early starts were never Phil's favorite.

But still, this was his job, and he chooses to do this, so complaining is not an option. complaining is never an option.

He pulled himself up, and threw on his uniform, which was now a full camouflage suit. his promotion moved him up to being on the field where his last position held him back from most of the action.

"Alright, Phil?" the general show up behind him, patting Phil on the back as he still sat on the bed, now fully dressed.

"I'm good," he replied, flashing a small smile to the man. He grinned and walked off yelling for the men to keep up with him.

Phil sighed, stuffing everything he needed into his backpack. Flashlight, gun, first aid, food, water, mostly everything. he glanced over to his pillow and reluctantly pulled out his journal and pen, stuffing it inside his bag too so it will be safe.

He stood up and walked over to the door, dragging his feet a bit from the lack of sleep. A few hands hit his back basically wishing him good luck in his first time being out like this. He merely nodded back to them, too tired to keep his eyes open let alone his mouth.

"C'mon men, the NEWBIE is ready before all of you, hurry up!" the generally shouted over the noises of men rustling to pull on their boots and grab their backpacks. "You nervous, kid?" he asked Phil as he waited for the rest.

"A bit," Phil said, his voice scratchy.

"You'll be fine, just follow us, do what we do, and use your head, you'll be okay. they wouldn't have moved you up if they thought that you couldn't be here," Phil smiled and nodded, brushing his hair out of his face. it was once a bull cut, but they let the men grow their hair out.

"Good luck," "Good, luck newbie," a few men say, standing in a bunch next to the door, waiting for a further cue.

Soon, all the men that tower over Phil, even though his tall frame, are standing by the door and end up running outside and into the cool morning air. Phil shivers as the cold wind hits his chest, but keeps up with the group, jogging further away from the bunker.

Blue uniforms rush by in attempt to get somewhere, and Phil can't help but smile at them. He loves this country. Even though it's been getting hard throughout the war, he loves the fact that the blue team never gives up.

He had a blue uniform before he traded it in for his new one. It's mostly because it didn't matter what color it was since he wasn't out on the field in danger of being caught by the other troops. A grin tugs at his pale lips again as he realizes what an honor it is to be out here like this.

The group eventually bypasses all of the soldiers and into the deeper part of the forest. Most of Britain these days were forest and marshland. It basically all grew out when the war started since there were no industries to put up new businesses and buildings. They ran further and further away. Phil knew where they were going. They were going to the other side. The American side.


"Keep close, stay down, and don't do anything stupid," the general whispers to the men, and they all file together in a straight line, following him. Phil did as he was told, his heart in the back of his throat from nerves.

They eventually stopped outside a bunch of sand bags that were set up around where many of the other troops were inside the circle, doing whatever it was they were doing. Phil felt a chill go down his spine when he saw the red uniforms. He hasn't really been this close to them in person.

"Kid," a guy next to Phil says under his breath and Phil turns his head. "You know what the plan is right?" phil nodded, biting his tongue. He had been playing the plan throughout his head the whole trip. They go in quietly, set a grenade in the bunker, and attack as soon as confusion sets in when it explodes. "You'll be fine," he said and Phil nodded once more.

A noise was heard from the end of the line of men and all eyes turned to the general, motioning to move out and carry on the plan. Phil followed each man to the edge of the sand bag fence and watched as a designated man went ahead towards the bunker. Phil stopped breathing when he disappeared around the side. Everything was silent except for the movement of men in the distance, until-

Phil's ears rang as soon as the bomb went off. Everything turned into chaos. Men scrambling everywhere, Red coats falling to the ground, blood seeping into the dead grass. Phil's finger was shaking over the trigger as he pulled it, a crimson color seeping through a red uniform in front of him.

He stayed back after the first kill, nervous, and just waiting to see what would happen. He knew they would have to retreat at one point, he just didn't know when. That's when he saw it.

A red coat, filled with bombs. Not your ordinary grenade though, these were heavy duty. They could kill in a hundred feet radius. He watched intently as a hand slipped around the bomb. He knew what was going to happen. He had to get out, to get safe. So he did.

Phil turned and sprinted in the other direction, needing to get away from the explosion which could happen any second. More steps were taken by him before the ringing reached his ears again. And the world went black.

I s2g phan is coming soon (not in the next chapter because its a journal entry, but soon)

and awww there's actually some people reading this :3

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