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Chapter 2

Riley sat outside on her fire escape strumming on her newly tuned guitar. Considering it was January the cold air brushed past her cheeks leaving a deep blush across her face. 

Now, I don't like to look out my window.

You were my hero, oh, hero, oh.

She didn't even realize she was being watched. "No, I don't-Ugh, I hate writing songs. Tap out." After sliding the guitar inside first she crawled back into her room and shut the window. His green eyes watched her move towards the white wooden vanity and take off what little makeup she did wear but only after putting her hair up in a messy bun. He had no idea why he continued to watch her. But he concluded it was a better past time then staring at his popcorn ceiling. The brunette stared at herself in the mirror and hesitantly shrugged her shoulders.

Lucas was puzzled at her insecure action, did she not know she was gorgeous? She rose from the chair and after laying out a pair of pajamas started to undress. He quickly looked away and sat at his desk, trying to think of when would be a good time to turn back around. By the time he glanced towards her window she was crawling into bed. Her gaze fell onto him and she waved, trying to hide the fact it was a little creepy. After he didn't do anything, the brunette's fingers flipped off her light switch and let sleep overtake her.


"It's Friday, Friday!" Riley worked to curl her long locks in the vanity when her window flew open.

"Oh good Lord, turn this song off." The brunette chuckled and clicked next on her phone. "Thank you, it's Friday but there is never a good time to play that song. Are you coming tonight? Please say yes, because you love me and because I need a wing woman."

She giggled, "yes i'll go. Who are you sinking your claws into tonight? Josh or Zay?"

"Josh, hopefully. I've pretty much decided to give up on Zay." Riley sauntered towards her bed and put on her oversized white tanktop and covered it with a denim button up. "Cute, love it."

"You know what's weird, I do love you and it's only been what 5 days?" The brunette shook out her curls and grabbed her backpack.

"Well you're the only one who can match my level of crazy. It's in there you just haven't let it free yet." The friends looped arms and as usual Farkle was waiting for them outside.

"So would this be okay to wear to the party tonight? I do my own laundry and don't want to fold more if it isn't necessary." Riley giggled at her own laziness and looped arms with Farkle.

"Yeah, just change your beige flats to heels or boots. Parties down here aren't like they are made out to be on TV. We don't go cow tipping, or mudding-" Her blue eyes pondered for a moment, "okay we do go mudding sometimes but it hasn't rained in awhile so we won't tonight."

"Can't wait." The trio sauntered into the school and as usual Farkle took off for debate practice while Maya and Riley sat at a table in the cafeteria. "Hey Josh!"

"What's up little sis?" He perused intending on aggravating her. 

"Little sis by a few minutes." The brown eyed girl pointed out. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Are you?" He questioned while glancing at her best friend taking note of her cascading blonde curls and the icy blue eyes she let fall to the floor.

"Yeah we are." His sister dropped a huge hint and her brother seemed to have caught onto it.

"I'll be there. Bye Maya." His arms wrapped around his sister, "be good Riles." Once he was a safe distance away the blonde did a little victory dance.

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