“Ok, I’ll see you guys later,” Ricky told us waving goodbye as he walked off. As soon as his back was turned, I felt my nerves decrease about fifty percent. Not even a cigarette could help my nerves around people I didn’t know too well.

“So, you like him,” Blake stated bluntly. He had that little smile on his face and looked like he wanted to break out in song and dance. Why was everyone so happy about me talking to someone? Was it really that big of a deal? Normal people did it everyday.

“No, I don’t. He’s nice, but I just met him yesterday!” I exclaimed getting a bit angered. I had just explained this to Jeremy last night and I hated how everyone was reacting. Not to mention the fact that I hated talking about my feelings with people even if they were my best friends.

“Just because you don’t know him too well doesn’t mean you can’t have a crush on him. It’s so obvious he likes you,” Blake insisted. He peered down at me with this look on his face like he thought he was so smart for figuring it out.

I let out an aggravated sigh. “Just because I talk to someone of the opposite gender doesn’t mean I have a crush on him. I talk to you all the time and I would never have a crush on you. God, you guys overreact over everything,” I huffed. I wasn’t really mad it him. I just wished he would leave me alone.

“I can tell he likes you, Midnight. Did you see how close he was standing to you and how much he smiled at you? Anyway, you two would make a cute couple,” Blake gushed. In that moment, he reminded me of a high school girl.

“Whatever, Blake,” I retorted. I dropped my cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with the bottom of my boot producing another dramatic cough from Blake. “After all these years, you’re still not used to it?” I questioned, obviously annoyed.

“Does anyone ever get use to being around cigarettes?” he replied, trying to prove his point. I just huffed and we continued our walk.


“Midnight! You made it!” Ricky exclaimed about an hour later. A huge smile spread across his face. He seemed excited that I had been able to come see him play, which I thought was weird. Why would anyone get excited over me?

“Hey,” I responded giving him a smile of my own. He gestured for me to follow him and led me towards his bandmates. My stomach churned at the sight of the large group.

“Guys, this is my new friend, Midnight,” Ricky announced to his friends. The way he said ‘this is my new friend' made me a bit nervous. Can people be friends after only knowing each other for a day? “Midnight, this is Chris,” he began pointing to the freakishly tall guy from before, who was now dressed in a suit, “Devin,” he continued pointing to a guy with messy black hair, a slight beard and mustache, the lightest eyes I had ever seen, and drawn-on eyebrows, “Balz,” he added gesturing to a pretty short guy with the sides of his head shaved showing off a tattoo, seriously stretched earlobes, makeup around his eyes, and two piercings above his upper lips, “Ryan,” he continued pointing to a guy with long dark brown hair, tons of tattoos, black makeup that covered half his face, and a nose ring that was quite like my own, “and Angelo,” Ricky finished off gesturing to a guy with long dark hair, tattoos that covered both us arms and from what it looked like, his chest as well, and black makeup around one of his eyes and mouth. They all gave me smiles.

“You guys are on in two minutes,” someone announced and before we knew it they were running onstage.

“What the fuck?!” Chris screamed into the microphone after the short intro. Ricky had told me that they were starting with their song Immaculate Misconception. I had looked them up yesterday and listened to one of their other songs called Devil’s Night and I really liked it. The drums were amazing in it. I would definitely have to talk to Angelo, who turned out to be their drummer, at some point.

They played five more songs after Immaculate Misconception. The whole time I bobbed my head along to the music. They ran off stage after the last song ended and Chris thanked the crowd. To say the least, I was pretty impressive. Not only was their music awesome, the way they performed was amazing. They seemed to really give it their all out there. I wondered if people thought the same when they watched our band.

“What’d you think?” Ricky questioned pulling his guitar strap over his head. His hair was dripping with sweat and his makeup up had smeared a bit. Despite his appearance he had a huge grin on his face.

“You guys were really good,” I replied truthfully. I watched him as he put his guitar away. I wasn’t sure if I should leave or if he wanted me to stay. Our signing was in about thirty minutes, so I would have to go eventually. As much as I wanted to talk to Ricky, I didn’t want to get too close to him. I wasn’t a big fan of letting people into my life. It took me all of senior year to trust Jeremy and I only talked to him because I wanted to be in his band. I knew most relationships, romantic or not, usually led to pain. Friends grew apart, couples broke up, people changed. A long time ago, I decided to try and avoid people.

“Thanks,” Ricky said, pulling me out of my thoughts. We were silent for a while until my phone lit up with a text. It was Jeremy telling me to get my ‘mother fucking ass to the merch tent’ because kids were already lining up.

“I have to go to our signing,” I told Ricky. His smile quickly faltered, but he nodded anyway.

“Ok, I’ll see you later, Midnight,” he replied. I quickly walked away and ran to our merch table, which took me forever to find since there were about a million bands with tents. The whole time I signed posters and posed for pictures, all I could think about was Ricky. Then I’d start tell myself that I couldn’t think about Ricky because I didn’t need anyone else in my life. By the end of the signing, I was thinking about maybe giving Ricky a chance.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now