Ch 2 Familiar Faces

Start from the beginning

    "By your name I thought you were going to be a boy."

    "Ciel can be a girl's name too, obviously," she muttered sharply, growing tired with the twenty questions. She felt like she was being interrogated and she didn't like it.

    "I guess you're right," he mumbled, tapping his chin with his fingers before thrusting that hand out towards Ciel. "I'm Soma Kadar."

    Ciel looked from his hand to his face, before allowing her eyes to roll and turned forward once more.

    "Ah, Agni! The new girl is so cold!" He whined, drawing Ciel's attention to the boy seated in front of him.

    Her eyes widened by a fraction, but she quickly composed her expression. Agni, or at least that was the name Soma had called him by, was an even darker bronze then the other boy and had a head full of snow colored locks. His eyes were a piercing hazel green color, that stood out in stark contrast to his other coloring. But what drew the most attention to him was the white bandage wrapped tightly around his hand. Something about the sight of it made Ciel weary. He looked like trouble.

    "I'm not cold, I just don't appreciate having my class time disrupted," she interrupted, sending a sharp glance toward Soma.

    "My friend, it appears you are in the wrong this time," the boy called Agni said, his deep voice oddly calming compared to his nearly intimidating appearance.

    Soma pouted, "But I just wanted to be nice and introduce myself."

    "Then you should have waited until class ended," Ciel shot back quickly, though she knew she wouldn't have allowed him to then either.

    "I don't allow talking in my classroom, Ciel," her aunt called, snapping the girl's attention to the front of the classroom.

    She flashed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, Aunt Ann. It won't happen again."

    Ciel could feel the shocked looks she earned, but she brushed them aside and continued to stare straight forward. This had not been the impression she had wanted to leave the first day at her new school with. Staring the third month into the new year was bad enough, staring the third month in a highly competitive school in London was another entirely. She had to prove herself, which wouldn't be hard with a mind like hers, but any scenes like this one would degrade her image no matter how flawless her grades were.

    She sighed angrily, leaning heavily into her raised palm as she propped her elbow onto the smooth surface of the desk. Normally she was the head of the class, the student everyone knew listened and got the perfect scores, but it looked as if everything would be different this time around. Something felt different this time. She wasn't sure whether it was just a typical reaction of first day nervousness or if it was something else entirely.

    The rest of the class drew on like any other she'd ever had, even though it was a bit odd for her to hear the lesson delivered by her relative. Her Aunt Ann was always rather knowledgeable in the study of the body, once even having gone to school to become a doctor, but instead changed her direction at the last minute to teach it instead. Ciel listened as well as she could and took down as many notes as she could in the margins of her blank notebook. By the time the bell rang to dismiss class and call an end to the school day, she had a lengthy two and a half pages of short handed notes. Ciel glanced over them quickly, before stuffing them into her bag and shouldering it.

    Of course Soma took this as a chance to continue conversing with her.

    "So Ciel, what club do you plan on joining?" He asked, appearing perkily besides her as she tried to make her get away.

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