Mason Killoran

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Sup man! How you doing? I'm fabulous! I'm a freaking Demi God! And guess who? Apollo the nicest and most amazing awesome god ever! And let's just say.... I..... Am...... HOT! I'm also 15. I mean not to brag, but I am also the son of the freaking god of the sun. So this girl, Mya (daughter of Athens and super hot) totally digs me, but she's trying to hide it by ignoring my existence, but it's obvious she loves me. I mean... Psh.... It's not like I like her too. Ya she's drop dead gorgeous, but she's the daughter of basically a living library's and boringness , and I'm the son of a sun and totally awesome. We're totally opposite, but I kind of do/don't really dig. I don't know. Oh emc she's coming this way! Be cool bro. Well, of course I'm cool but, still. Welp. She walked by. I'm tired of her game of sun and moon. "Yo! Mya! I can tell you dig me! Why don't you just say it to my face!" She scowled the scariest face I've seen in a while. "Drop dead Mason. I would rather be exiled to the sun that like you." Oh........ Well that's not what I expected. I totally thought she liked me. Well crud. Hm. Well that dampens my sun. I'm going to go write sad poems.
I'm sad. I've never been rejected like that before. I even complimented my absolutely ripped gorgeous body in the mirror for three hours, and even that didn't work. Well. Time to eat bfast. "Hey Mason." Ugh. Well if it wasn't Mya. "What the EMC do you wa-" I was cut off by her hard lips crushing against mine. I closed my eyes and moved my lips in perfect since with hers. Let's just say, I was never undoubtful of her love again.

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