Emma McConville

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Hi. My name is Emma. I am a daughter of Hades. I thought I was just an author, YouTuber, and just all together, a normal girl. Aside from writing creepy pasta, I generally hang out and make YouTube videos with my friend Olivia. But, one day, I found out that this wasn't going to be my normal routine.
"Hey Olivia!"
" What? I'm in the middle of video editing." She sounded slightly annoyed because she was editing the video I made because I don't know how to edit for shiz nicks.
"Well I think we should go and see a horror movie."
"Um, hell naw. I'll see a movie, but not a scary one."
Oh, did I mention that Olivia is a total wuss that can't handel scary movies?
"Fine. We can go see something else."
"Swag m8."

{Le time skip}

"Okay, what movie do you want to see, since you won't let us watch It?"
Olivia glared at me for a second and I laughed at her 'intimidating face' "How about 'Will Grayson Will Grayson'?"
"Sure. What do you want to eat. I'm buying."
"Some sour patch kids would be great!"
I went and bought our snacks with Olivia trailing behind me. After Olivia got her sour patch kids and water because, she dosn't like soda or popcorn like any normal human, we went and sat down.
{le time skip 31.4159 minutes later}
As we were watching the movie my stomache started to hurt. Not like the, shit, period cramps kinda hurt, but the OW GD MY STOMACHE IS REGECTING MY BODY kinda hurt. I tried to tell Olivia, but the pain kept me from talking, and I know if I tried, I'd most likley scream. In attempt to get her attention I wipped my hand bag trying to grab her thigh, but missed and accidently grabbed her boob. You can't really say grabbed or bood, because just imagine trying to grab onto a completley flat serface. I basically just smacked her in the chest.

This made her jump and she yelped and slapped my arm. She angerly wispered, "Wtf dude I just pooped my pants!" She quietly giggled, waiting for me to join. Usually comments like these would make me laugh, but Olivia looked at my face and saw that I was in no state to laugh. Her smile fell from her face and was replaced with one of concern. From that concern she grabbed my arm and looked at me in the eye trying to figure out what was wrong. All I would do was point to the isle and she got the hint. Since she was already holding my arm, she basically lifted my out of my chair and hauled my down the isle stairs.

Once we were in the bathroom Olivia slammed a stall open and got me in there just in time. I vomited into the toilet while she held my hair out of my face. Tears were rolling down my face not only because I was in pain but because I ruined our fun little date. My eyes were closed shut, and I heard Olivia mutter, "Fuck."

Between heaves I asked her what was wrong, but all I heard where more fucks and fucks and fucks. Each one getting slightly louder than the other. I opened my eyes and the inside of the toilet was filled with black gunk. Startled and out of puke I lurched backwards from the toilet and knocked over Olivia. She picked my up from the ground and placed herself infront of me, and yelled, "Hades?!"

As soon as the name slipped from her mouth a black mist came from the stall that help my throw up and started creeping tword us. It  surrounded us very quickly and was begining to shrowd my vision. Olivia wrapped her arms around me like a hug and in my ear told me that everything would be all right. Then our worlds faded to black as the mist filled our lungs.

{Only a few minutes later}

"Emma? Emma can you here me?" My eyes started to creep open and above me I saw my friend shaking my shoulders, and our surroundings were dark and gloomy.
"Wa- what happened? Where are we?" I could tell Olivia was pissed off about something because her reply was very sassy and snarky.
"That's a very good question and I have just the guy to answer it for you. HADES! WHAT THE BALLS BRUH?! LEAVE MY FRIENDS OUT OF THIS SHITZ!? SHE DOSNT KNOW ABOUT THIS STUFF!? SHES NOT A DEMIGOD!?"
"Demigod? What are you talking about Olivia? What's a demigod?"
From the shadows a man dressed in a dark suit approached us. The more I looked at his get up, the more I realized that it was moving  with the faces of tortured souls

"Hello Emma. Hello Olivia. How are both of you doing today?" 

"Hmm. Let me think. Fine before you showed up and ruined out movie night!" Ya, Olivia was really ticked off. I still didn't know what was going on, and who this creapy man was.

"Olivia? Wh-Who is this guy?"

She was about to answer when the man interupted her. "Hi Emma! I'm Hades! I also happen to be your father, and new fact of the day, your friend who you thought you knew so well? Shes not who she thinks! Shes a demigod, just like you."

That felt like a big ol' slap to my face. I never knew my dad. My mom always said he died in a car crash when I was only a few months old, and being told Olivia was a- a- a demi baug? What the hell is that? I've never heard of that much less thought Olivia or I was one! "Neither of you have answered my question! What is a demigod?"

Before this man, Hades I think Olivia said? Ya, before this guy claiming to be my dad could intercede, she gave me the answer. "A demigod is were you have on godly parent, and one mortal, or normal parent. Yours in this case"-she glared at Hades for a heartbeat-"Is Hades."

All I could do is sit on the floor with my head in my lap for a few minutes and think about all I had been told. I have a dad. That isn't dead, and my friend has a parent who a god, and shes never told me. "If your my dad, Olivia, whos your dad?"

That got Olivia to laugh. "You know my dad. Brandons my real dad, but my mom is Iris, the goddess of rainbows and such."

"Explains alot." We both cracked up.

Hades, ruining the fun, again, interupted, again. "Now I bet you are slightly curious to why I brough you to the underworld." Olivia whispered under her breath "I know I am you bitc-" Quickly he said, "I called you here because we are having some trouble, and we have some demons to take care of."

How'd you guys like it? Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Mortals Meet Demigods 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt