The key to this is in your heart, Lorelai. Only you can open this book to live the life I could no longer continue. Good luck Sweetheart.

 The words warmed my heart. It was proof my mother existed once. I looked over these words and thought about it as hard as I could. “In your heart...” I mumbled. Suddenly it hit me and I felt stupid for never realising it before. I'd had the key all along. I fiddled with the necklace around my neck which was also passed down from my mother. I took it off and examined the heart-shaped charm on it. I looked closely at it and felt a crack on the edges. It can open. I pulled each side as hard as I could; It was very stiff. On my third try it finally opened to reveal a small key. I smiled, satisfied as I twisted it in the padlock which clicked and opened. I pulled the padlock off and opened it onto the first page. It had three phone numbers on it and a message underneath them:


Call these numbers in the order that they are written. The second two are just in case the first one doesn't work though they all belong to the same person: John Winchester. Tell him I'm your mother and I told you to call him. Tell him your date of birth. He is your father.

 I stared at it. The amount of shocks I'd had that day couldn't be good for me. I'd always wondered who my father was, but I guess I'd always held a grudge against him because he never came back for me. It all made sense now; my mother never told him he had a daughter.

Three loud knocks distracted me from my thoughts. I put everything back in the box and went downstairs to let the paramedics and cops in. I immediately burst back into tears at the sight of them. I had never cried this much. I couldn't believe this had happened.

 The cops sat me down at the table whist Julie and Nick's bodies were being taken out of the house on stretchers. They questioned me about where I had been and at what times. It took a lot of persuading but eventually they decided I was innocent. They asked me if I had somewhere to stay. I had no intention of going back into care so I lied and told them I would call my grandmother who will immediately come down here to look after me and that I would call them if my grandmother is unable to tend to me. I didn't really have an grandmother.

 When everyone had gone out of the house, I attempted calling the first of John Winchester's numbers. 

Dean Winchester

I was driving back to the motel when the phone started ringing. I checked my pocket but it wasn't my phone that was ringing. The next thought I had was maybe Sam had left his phone in here when I realized the ringing was coming from the glove compartment. Who the hell could that be? I opened it and took out Dad's phone. The caller ID wasn't in his phone book. Clearing my throat, I flipped it open.


“Hello, erm, John Winchester?” The female voice came from the other end.

“No, John can't come to the phone right now," I lied. "Who is this?” If this was another supernatural being trying to lure Dad into a trap, I'd kill it slowly.

“My name is Lorelai Adams. I'm Selena Adams' daughter. Can you tell him that I rung? It's important.” I'd never heard of Selena Adams.

 “I'm sorry to break this to you but he's been dead a few years now.” It still hurt. 

“Dammit!” She was either on the brink of tears, or she was already crying.

“Hey, lady, you alright?” I asked her.

“No. No, not really. My parents have just died." Okay, she was crying now. "Apparently John was my father.” 

My heart suddenly felt heavy. “Whoa, wait, your father? How old are you?”

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