Chapter 5: Secrets

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hehe chapter 5 is here ! ^^ hope you guys enjoy it alot! 

I quietly closed the door of my gate before zooming towards Musuku Headquarters.....which took me .. like... only 3 seconds... 

I came into the head quarters and immediately made my way through the hide out towards Yuuki's desk. Akira was already there talking to her and Yuuki was busy writing down things into her exam pad...seriously why couldn't she just use the computer like all the NORMAL secretaries of the 21st century?  

"Ah Ichirou." she looked up, "Master Sotetsu wants a report of today's battle." she said wiping her glasses and gesturing to the big glass doors behind her.

I nodded and walked over to the glass doors followed by Akira. Just before i pushed them open, Akira bent over my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "Shall i tell him?"

I growled slightly, shoving him off me, "Do that and i'll shoot a hole through your head." 

I could feel him smirking behind my back as i pushed open the big doors into a large, dimly lit conference room. A dark figure sat at the far end of a long black marble table that stretched from one end of the room to the other. He stood up, upsetting a stack of papers on his table. 

"Sotetsu." i eyed him, a from drawn across my mouth.

Akira came in from behind me and took a seat in one of the chairs, "yo Sotetsu."

He smirked behind the dark shades he wore to cover the scar across his one eye, "Ah, Ichirou! Akira! How are my two favorite boys doing?" he said clapping his hands together.

"I'm not your boy." i said taking a seat opposite Akira and slouching into my chair, eyeing Sotetsu coldly. 

"Now now, is that how you talk to the man who's gonna help you get what you really want?" he smirked. The word Revenge was clear as day in my head. "okay boys so tell me, how was the death spree today?"

Akira glanced at me before saying, "It was like any other death spree. We entered, killed, left. Nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. No witness or anyt-" he winced as i kicked him from under the table. i gave him the you sound like a nevous wrecked idiot look. he gave me a well sooooory look and went back to speaking.

"As i was saying...nothing new." he said quietly, glancing up at me for a blitz second before looking down at his hands.

Sotetsu raised an eyebrow and i felt the palms of my hands get sweaty. he was a very sharp man who had a scary look to him, what with that dark hair, shades and that black uniform torn and shreaded. he was deadly and knows nearly everything from the Wanted list to how many specks of blood on your shoe.

he cleared his throat, "Anything you would like to add? Ichirou?"

I looked up, wiping my hands on my uniform, only making them red with the bits of gore still on my outfit. "N-no..nothing." i muttered.

He eyed me as if staring at me would make me tell him what's on my mind or what i'm hiding, "Fine. Dismissed."

As I followed Akira to the door, Sotetsu told him to stay behind as he had to discuss something with him and i went out alone, past Yuuki's desk, through the lounge and out into the night air. I took a deep breath and watched the first snow of winter start to cover the ground with a cold white carpet and made my way home.

Tomoya was still knocked at when i came home and Misa was sitting on the couch watching TV while drinking hot chocolate. She grinned when she saw me, "Oniichan, where have you been? Why are you stil wearing those clothes?"

I gave her a fake smile, "Was at the butchers Misa. Did you make hot chocolate all by yourself?"

She nodded proudly taking a sip, a chocolate moustache under her nose. "mmmmm!" She reached out and picked up an envelope that was lying on the little table next to the couch, "Oniichan, this was in the mailbox."

 I smiled, "Thank you Misa." After i scooted her off to bed, i opened the envelope and read its contents. An invitation. 

"A masked ball?" 

oh mi gawd! i just found the perfect anime pic for Ichirou! Thank you LGamer! praise the lord! 

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