Main characters

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i may have left some info out from the just adds some more info... 

name: Ichirou DakuSuta  (this is gonna take a while to remember...) 

Age: 16

History: basically...the storyline 

other: the head of the DakuSuta family and an elite member of Masuku (also gonna be hard to remember) and is a vampire.

N.B this book has no purebloods so it isn't exactly like HH, just the fact that there are no purebloods....

name: Misa DakuSuta (YES!! Remembered it!)

Age: 12 

History: pretty much like Ichirou's.....

Other: does not know a single thing about Masuku and their relations to her brother...basically she has no idea about all that goes on... Also is a vampire 

Name: Tomoya Akatsuki

Age: 15 

History: her parents work overseas and she lives with her grandparents. She's known Ichirou from when they were only 6 years old. 

Other: is a human. She knows basically everything about Ichirou besides the fact that he has relations to Masuku. 

Name: Akira Tanata

Age: 17 

History: his parents are important members of Masuku and he used those connections to get a high rank in the group. He has joined since he was only 7. 

Other: he's a human. He's a best friend of Ichirou and despises Tomoya as he thinks she is making Ichirou go soft...even though thats not the case.

Name: Sotetsu Ichijou 

Age: 26

History: He trained in martial arts since he was very small.. he became head of Masuku after his brother died. His grandfather was the one who founded Masuku. 

Other: He is strict about Masuku and witnesses...and he is the most heartless thing you could ever find on the face of the earth! 

Ok, these names are gonna take me a while to remember...wish me luck...

this will be updated so keep your eyes peeled...

and btw if you ask...yes i used vocaloid pics for the covers.....mainly because that pic was perfect! anyways no this is not a fan-fic....this is an original.

btw yes Kaito and Miku look like Ichirou and Tomoya...i'm still thinking about Misa, Akira and Kain's look..

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