[6] Hollow Inclinations

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We had walked around every floor at least twice and I had mentally taken a picture of every room and hall for future purposes. Purposes that included escaping from this horrid setting.

Finally we made our way to the door, reaching the only part of Adhemar’s impromptu tour and presence that I might enjoy.

Some fresh air.

I had grown tired of staying indoors and I’d be lying if I said it had not driven me to near madness. As a faerie, I thrived on nature and the sanctuary of the night sky. Elaborately painted walls and silk sheets were just not my thing.

Adhemar held my hand as he pushed the rustic metal door open into the rose garden, ruining the moment I had looked forward to savoring. Nevertheless, the view was beautiful and my sights were filled with a landscape of roses upon roses against a cliff, mountains and dark blue sky. The half-moon was clear and white, leaving shadows around every lurking corner of the velvet flower petals. We walked through the stone walkways until we reached a hedge-maze. He knew the way perfectly, as I could tell, and my mind tried it’s best to grasp the twists and turns we had taken.

At the end of the maze, an open meadow formed, with a dirt path to the greenhouse in the distance.

Adhemar ceased the moment as I knew he would, suddenly grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I flinched, my very being shaking internally with fear and doubt. I wanted so badly to pull away but I knew that beneath his icy fingers, that now stroked my thick hair, was the key to freedom. And that was obedience… for the time being at least.

Justice would prevail.

“The sky is so infinite, it makes me wonder, you know, where I would be without you.” He ventured, studying my face, as I tried hard to concentrate on the infinite stars above. His words were quite pathetic and for a long moment, I tried to stifle my laugh. Adhemar was acting like some sort of hero from a wild-west romance.  “But, this infinite sky also enlightens me as I wonder where I will be with you in the future.” He smiled sickeningly and rubbed my shoulders; I reluctantly ignored, sure that he wouldn’t last with me more than a week. I had already mentally packed my bags and was back in my old tree house.

I believed it would happen. I had to.

After Adhemar got it through his narrow head that I wouldn’t respond, he continued walking, “Aleda, the next thing I’m going to show you is very important. It’s my pride and joy and is quite breathtaking really.”

And breathtaking it was. Literally.

The glass doors of the greenhouse were automated and they opened breezily, Adhemar casually strutted his way into the greenhouse, but I froze.

I just stood at the door, not breathing, not thinking, not speaking.

Just processing the scene before me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2011 ⏰

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