Pretium DECIDUUS (Faerie)- Species Analysis- Subject 492

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Pretium DECIDUUS(Faerie)

Subject 492

Species Analysis- Special Cases Unit 33

Average height: 5 ½-6 ½ ft.

Average adult weight: 60-100 pounds

Average lifespan: 151-202 years (An assumption gathered from various reportings)

Diet: Faeries’ diets usually and specifically consist of hares, fruit and small birds, yet they are quick to adapt and may eat anything else, once accustomed.

Population: They are an almost extict species seeing that there have only been 124 sightings in all historical records. Specifically only 2 sightings and one catch in the past decade.

Behavior and Characteristics: Faeries can appear very friendly in nature but can quickly become servile seeing that they are highly poisonous. They’re saliva consists of a toxic venom that may burn the flesh at contact and their tears are reported to be similar or exactly the same as natural rain. Faeries are great hunters and take pride in their catch. They usually travel alone, and rarely ever speak, but rather sing to convey their emotions. Many accounts describe faeries as being flawless, incapable of sweating and self-healing. They always, up-to-date, have wings, although the wings’ appearance and characteristics differ depending on the biome the faerie is from.

 Habitat: Faeries live in a vast variety of places and don’t live anywhere in specific. They have been spotted in north-Canada, in the deciduous forests of the Appalachian mountains, few in rainforests, and one has even been identified in the Sahara. All the places these faeries have been spotted in seem to be far from civilization and in total isolation, yet up-to-date there are no other relations between these habitats.

Reproduction: No information has been obtained on this subject yet many believe that faeries bear only one child in their lifetime and once born, the faerie is obligated to kill themselves on account of sheer hope that nature will take its course on the child and decide it’s fate.

Subject 492. A.k.a Aleda-

As of 2003, the government has hired a knowledgeable unit of specialized scientists to track down a faerie. In 2011, with the help of undercover agents, cameras, and witness accounts, a faerie has been captured. This faerie has been named Aleda by the unit and is currently studying it’s  strange behaviors and unique anatomy.


Wings: Small, transparent dragonfly-like wings between its shoulder-blades. These wings supposedly turn to fragile glass when in critical condition and shatter when injured. Faeries, however, are self-healing and the wings may return to their prior state in a matter of seconds, of course, depending on the extent of their injury.

Hair: Dark brown in a thick, wavy, short bob- Subject’s hair seems to resist growth of any kind.

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 95 pounds

Skin color: porcelain/ pale- almost translucent

Age: estimated to be 71 years old (the age of late adolescence in a faerie lifespan)

Subject's behaviors have been very limited since subject 492 has been very desolate and rarely ever speaks.

Currently living in the Arch Lord’s manor.

Has thrice attempted escaping. All efforts were suppressed.

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