Just A Dream // Req. for Moira ~ Leo Valdez

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Well here it is! Hope you like it, ohmymoira! I had a fun time writing it :)

     Moira De Jesus scanned her unfamiliar surroundings. An elegant dining pavilion, torches lit & fires burning, teenagers laughing & feeling right at home. Moi didn't feel at home. But that's what Chiron said to her. That this would be her new home.

     Sighing, she ran her hands through her dark brown hair. She glanced up again & noticed a whole table staring at her, whispering to their friends about the new girl at this camp. At first, Moi didn't believe it. Greek gods? They never existed. Just silly myths meant for children. But today was the day she threw that all away.

Because today, just a few hours ago, she had arrived at Camp Half Blood with her friend Trix & her half-goat dude friend Grover. Unlike Trix, who was freaking out over the fact that she was a demigod, a child of a god or goddess, Moi was calm, cool, & collected about the whole ordeal.

It was pretty interesting, actually. Grover showed her around camp, pointing out important training areas & restricted areas while Trix had passed out because of shock. But still, Moira felt insecure. She was used to being the new kid everywhere she went, being adopted & out through a lot of foster homes.

Though she always hated when she received attention. To society, she was that one "asian kid" who was a weirdo. People always asked Moi offensive questions when it came to her heritage. Her birth mother was a Filipina, while records of her father were never recovered. It was always a mystery.

Though Moi did have a fun-loving side when she was with her true friends. It took her a long while to warm up to someone. Although she wasn't raised by her birth mother, Moira's first & longest stay at a foster home was with a Filipino couple, where they taught her the language & heritage. She was lucky to have that.

But when she was 10, she woke up to find her foster mother & father cooking breakfast downstairs. When she was coming down, their eyes widened & glazed over as they looked as if driven mad.

"The dream..."
"Get the girl out..."
"Get her out!"

They started muttering things about dreams & curses & yelled at Moira. She was crying, & when things started to get violent, her foster father pulled out a knife & she ran. Sobbing, Moira sprinted out of the house & ran all the way to the nearest city, where she sat alone on the crowded streets. Eventually, she was found by adoption agencies & put into foster care.

Moira's foster mother's voice still rang through her head as she was running out of the house.

"The dream... It consumes..."

The next week, a couple was found dead inside their home in southern New York, though no signs of physical struggle were found.

The couple was Moira's foster parents.

Ever since then, Moira never got close a foster family again. She knew wherever she went she would destroy everything, ruin a perfect relationship. She never loved again. Her life was a roller coaster. Switching from one foster house to the next, moving all over the country.

Sometimes she ran away. Other times the family kicked her into the streets, letting her live on her one. She pick-pocketed 711's & stole money from people passing by. It was the only way she could live. Gotta steal to eat, gotta eat to live. It wasn't until she was in a foster home with a family in New York that everything changed.

    She met Trix. Lived in her shadow. Got bullied at school for being "asian". Befriended Grover, a crippled boy with crutches. He was Moi's only friend. The only person who understood her more than Trix. Sometimes Moira would have crazy dreams, always involving a male voice in her head & screams of her foster parents.

   She described these to Grover, who listened intently & always looked uneasy when she would finish. It stirred something inside her, but Moira always pushed it down. And now she was here at Camp Half Blood.

    She was a demigod. An ADHD, dyslexic, demigod. Chiron told her her disabilities would aid her when it came to battle. But Moi was never really into anything athletic. She ran a lot, though. Ran away from the police, from street gangs, from abusive foster parents, Moira ran a lot. She rarely had any friends at all.

She wondered how she would survive here.

Moira spotted Trix walking into the dining pavilion, neck craned, probably looking for her. Moira smiled just a smidge & got up to greet her. But not until Trix walked through the center of the pavilion, when a flash of white light hit her, making campers jump & gasp.

All eyes were on Trix. Moira's mouth had dropped open. Trix had a full blown makeover, with perfect makeup. Foundation, eyeliner exactly on point, eyebrows filled in, lips lined & full, blush & bronzer exactly where they should be. Not to mention perfectly curled eyelashes. Boys were already drooling.

Moi felt a stab of energy in her chest. Was it jealously? Trix's hair was gorgeous. Her honey blonde hair was long & flowing in waves, braided along the sides & tied at the back of her head, little strands of gold flowing through her strands. Her dress was stunning. It perfectly complemented her light skin, an angelic white dress, Ancient Greek style. It was flowy & airy, gold cuffs around Trix's wrists & a gold necklace adorning her neck.

Moira jumped as a boy at a nearby table fainted. Then, before she thought it couldn't get any better, Trix started glowing pink. She was literally surrounded by bright pink light. Moi's eyes widened as she heard Trix laugh & smile. It almost sounded bitchy. Moi didn't like it.

And so Trix was claimed by Aphrodite.

With a groan, Moira stomped off to the Big House, where she remembered Chiron's office was. She was going to request to be shown somewhere to sleep, because she wasn't claimed yet. Chiron could sense some jealously in Moira's heart & offered her a cup of tea. They talked for a short while, Chiron telling her great myths of ancient heroes.

The stories helped Moira calm down just a little bit. Chiron could sense something unique in this child. He showed her a small room with a bed inside, where Moira could sleep for the night. No one had ever offered her hospitality like this. Surprised, she thanks Chiron & settles in.

Moira collapses into the bed & before she could comprehend it, she was fast asleep.

Then the dream came.


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