Chapter Four

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Camila's POV
Lauren is going to kill me. Wait I will probably be dead before she finds me. Here's the story. I was walking in the jungle when I heard a snap behind me. Guess what it was a Jaguar. I've been up in this tree for about ten minutes and I am way higher than ten feet this time. Shit why me? I then started screaming when it tried climbing the tree. I'm going to die. I heard the twig break and I fell, but my side hit a branch and I grabbed onto it with my hands and climbed up. The jaguar tried climbing the tree again and I screamed again. I slipped again and I caught myself, but I couldn't get my feet over the branch, so they were just dangling there just waiting for the jaguar to jump up and grabbed them. I tried to climb onto the branch, but then I heard it snap and didn't dare move. I then heard someone yelling and I saw Lauren standing there with a sharpened stick.
Lauren's POV
I was walking in the forest finding food when I heard Camila scream. I dropped all the food I had and ran towards her scream. I heard it again and thought that if she was in a tree I wasn't going to help her. When I saw her she was dangling in a tree kicking at the animal that was at the bottom of the tree. I instantly knew that that was a jaguar and that if it got its teeth on her she would be gone. I sharpened a stick and when it was sharp enough I yelled and it stopped trying to climb up the tree. It walked towards me and I tightened my grip on the stick. I heard a twig break followed by a scream and before I could even move jaguar was already heading towards Camila. I heard her scream out in pain and the jaguar was shaking her leg and she cried out in pain again. Shit.
Camila's POV
The fucking twig broke and I fell to the ground. I wasn't hurt until I felt the worst pain that I ever felt in my life. I cried out in pain as I watched the Jaguar started shaking my leg. There was so much blood and the pain was unbearable. All of a sudden I felt the animal stop shaking my leg and it fell onto its side. I looked up and saw Lauren talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. There was only buzzing in my ear and the world started spinning and I felt myself being carried and I heard something that sounded like an airplane. I couldn't keep my eyes open and then it was all black.

Plane CrashDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora