Chapter Three

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Lauren's POV
I tried waking Camila up, but whenever I would touch her chest or her side she would moan and roll over. I hope that the fall yesterday has nothing to do with it. I shook her again and she said, "stop shaking me I don't feel good." I said, "would this have anything to do with the fall yesterday?" She rolled over on her back and said, "why would you care?" I said, "well if you die I am going tot have to live with that for the rest of my life." She said, "oh my gosh Lauren I'm not going to die. I probably just bruised my ribs or something." I said, "by something do you mean breaking something?" She insisted that she was fine so I let it go. Okay I am not letting it go just like that. She fell out of a ten foot tree for heaven's sake. Ten Feet and I'm pretty sure that when you fall out of a tree and land straight on your back that you break something.
Camila's POV
Okay I have to admit that it feels like I broke my rib, but its probably just bruised. It is really sweet of Lauren to care though I mean I don't really even know her or anything. I stood up and said, "so I think that we should build a shelter." Lauren looked at me with those gorgeous emerald green eyes. Damn I can't be stuck on the same island as her. I'm bisexual and I'm pretty sure that she is straight so fuck. After we finally finished building a decent shelter we laid down. It was dark already. Yes it took us a whole day to build a shelter. I fell asleep really fast which is a surprise.

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