Chapter Two

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Lauren's POV
I woke up with pain in my head. I felt my forehead and when I removed my hand there was a little blood. Oh Shit the plane. I looked besides me and saw nothing, but pieces of the plane and lots and lots of ocean. No I can't be stranded on this island all alone. I can't survive by myself. Focus Lauren you can do this. After about a few more hours I knew that I was going to die out here. I heard a small moan and was hoping that someone else was out there. I called out for anybody to answer and I heard the moan again. I followed it, but it just took me to the plane. When I was walking towards the plane I saw a figure lying on the beach near the plane. I saw their chest going up and down and was thankful that someone was alive. I ran over to the person and saw that they had a few bruises on their head and arm and a huge piece of glass in their leg. I didn't know if I was supposed to take it out or leave it, but I took it out anyways. When it came out I heard another moan and when I looked up I realized that this was the girl with the chocolate brown eyes. Fuck I can't be stuck with her I'm bisexual I won't survive with someone that is straight. I grabbed my water bottle from the bag I found back by the airplane. I ripped my sweater and wrapped it around her leg and waited for her to wake up. In about an hour the girl was awake and said, "wh...what happened?" Thank God I was getting impatient." The girl looked confused and I told her the whole story and she looked terrified when I told her that we were stranded on an island alone. I said, "we can start looking for food now or later." The girl said, "what's your name?" I told her that mine was Lauren and asked her what her name is. She said, "mine is Camila." I told her that I like her name and she said that she was scared. I tried being like an adult figure and asked why. She said, "you don't know what is out there in the jungle just waiting for the the right sign to strike." I never thought about that at all. I said, "I'm sure if we stick together we will be fine." She said, "I can barely walk." I said, "so we will stick extra close." She went to stand up and winced when she put pressure on it. I told her that she should just sit down here. She said, "no way I'm coming with you." Cute.
Camila's POV
This is great. I'm stranded on an island with no food or shelter and who knows what is in the forest. Lauren seems really nice I mean she did fix my leg. Oh yeah that hurts like hell. Fuck the jungle. I decided to try to get a conversation going on, but what are we going to talk about. I said, "so um Lauren what were you going to Florida for?" She said that she was going to visit some friends. I said, "so how long do you think we are going to be stuck on this island?" She said, "not too long I hope because we won't survive too long out here." I said, "um where are we going?" She said, "we are looking for food or some water." I heard what sounded like a waterfall in the distance. I said, "do you hear that?" She stopped and listened then she bolted towards the direction. Shit I had to run. Every step was like being hit with a hammer. When I caught up to her my leg gave out and I fell. She helped me up and asked if I was okay. I told her that my leg just gave out, but I should be fine. She sat me on a rock and said, "I'm going to go get some water for your leg." She went to go get some water and I thought about how sweet she is. She came back and unwrapped the cloth from my leg. It was getting better if I say so myself. She put some water on my leg and it didn't hurt, what the fuck. She said, "is it getting any better?" I nodded my head and she wrapped the cloth back around my leg. When I stood there was no pain.
Lauren's POV
Ever since I poured that water on Camila's leg she has been acting like her injury never happened. I asked if she was okay and she looked confused at my question. I said, "ever since I poured that water on your leg you've been acting like nothing happened to your leg." She told me that it was healing and that I shouldn't worry about it. I said, "why don't you find food and I will start a shelter and fire." She said yes and I went towards the beach.
Camila's POV
So as I was walking I saw up in the tree like five bunches of bananas. I climbed the tree and grabbed them down. Oh shit I don't know how to climb down. I called for Lauren, but then I felt my foot slip and I screamed.
Lauren's POV
As I was walking I heard Camila scream my name and then scream after that. I ran back towards her direction and saw her on the ground laying on her back gasping for air. I ran over to her and sat her up and told her take deep breathes. After about three minutes she started breathing normally again. I said, "what happened?" She told me that she found food, but then she realized that she couldn't climb down trees and fell. I said, "you fell from all the way up there?" She nodded her head and I said, "oh my gosh Camila your lucky you didn't break anything or worse." She said that she didn't and that she just got the wind knocked out of her.
Camila's POV
I feel so bad for lying to Lauren. My chest hurts all over and I hope she doesn't realize it.

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