Batch 20

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Who drinks all the tea?

You do. Steve gets in the mood for tea pretty rarely, but when he does, there usually isn't any there for him. He confronts you about it, but he already knows you'll respond with a grin and a shrug of your shoulder. He just puts more tea on the grocery list.

Who is the loudest in bed?

Steve makes sure that it's you. He does his best, and, well, his best always works. The next morning, one of the Avengers, usually Tony, will make a comment about it. You'll blush and slap his across the chest while Steve just smiles proudly, slinging an arm over your shoulder and pulling you close.

Who has the most experience in relationships?

You do. You and Steve have had quite a few conversations about past lovers and you always seem to have the more... exotic stories. Steve gets pretty jealous, so you always leave out the worst (or best, in your opinion) stories. Those were for no one else's ears.

Who has the crazy ex?

Considering you have had more people in your life, that would mean you have your fair share of crazy. Now these are stores Steve likes to hear. He loves the one about the guy you sent you roses every day for three months after the first date because you refused to go out again.

Who handles their drink better?

Steve can't get drunk, his metabolism is too fast. So, of course, he doesn't need to handle his drinks at all. He does, in fact, need to handle you when you can't handle your drinks. This means walking you into the elevator, and onto your floor of the tower. He'll get you changed into something more comfortable and let you fall into a drunken sleep. The next morning, you wake up to a slice of bread, pain killers, and water next to you. Silently thanking Steve while downing them all.

Steve Rogers/Reader Question SessionWhere stories live. Discover now