Batch 12

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Who comes screaming about a giant spider when it was just a tiny one?

You would run into the room in full of distress, pulling on Steve's arm and spilling out unintelligible words that mostly consisted of 'help there's a giant spider and we're all ganna die'. Steve would get ready to fight the demon spider, only to be greeted by a tiny house spider. You hid behind him in fear as he grabbed a tissue and flushed it down the toilet, only letting out a breath of relief when it was out of sight.

Who is forced to change when they wear the same outfit?

You don't like to change when you find something comfy. You'll put on the same pajamas for the fourth day in a row and Steve would eventually coax the clothes off of you and steal them while you weren't looking. You would confront him about it, but he always managed to distract you and find you an equally comfy, but more importantly clean, set.

Who comes running up the stairs/hallways after they turn out the light so that the monsters can't catch them?

Steve loves watching you turn off the overhead light. It's like a personal TV show. You would look around, seeming to bask in the light for one more moment before switching it off and running as fast as you could and doing a huge jump on the bed and right into his arms. Out of breath, you would just curl into him, looking around to see if any of the monsters had followed you. Steve just kissed your head and promised he wouldn't let them get to you.

Who forgets their towel when they go shower and they have to run butt naked down the hall?

Neither of you actually forget the towel, but you love to go in while Steve's mid-shower and steal any towels in sight. You would hide when you heard the water shut off. You got a loud yell of annoyance and Steve would scream for you to give it back. But, you wouldn't, so he would have to run across the room butt naked to grab a new towel, glowering at you the whole time.

Who uses their words to fight people and who uses their fists?

Steve would give whoever needed it a stern talking to until it was really necessary that a fight needed to happen. He didn't like to hurt people unless there was no other choice. You, on the other hand, would happily pound someone's face in if you deemed them deserving. Steve would have to hold you back from starting something on more than one occasion. Not that he really minded, you were quite hot when you were worked up.

A/N: I'll be at the beach this weekend, and will upload the next chapter Monday! 

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