Batch 13

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Who's more likely to hog the blankets?

You loved to get nice and cozy in blankets. This would result in you subconsciously wrapping yourself in multiple blankets all the time. Steve would bring extra's to the couch when you two watched a movie because he knew you would take them, but you would always end up taking those ones, too.

Who bakes and who cooks

As Steve has told you on multiple occasions, you cannot cook. Not in a mean way, but more in a 'I'm not going to suffer my entire life pretending to like your food'. You didn't mind. You didn't really like cooking, anyways, so you gave the job to Steve. You preferred baking. The sweets and the mess. Steve liked when he came home from a long day and you were in the kitchen with your music on high, dancing and singing with flour in your hair.

Who's a sucker for matching couple things?

Steve hoped on the trope as soon as he learned what 'matching couple things' meant. He immediately went out and bought you two things like shirts and aprons and pens and anything he could find really. You could barely bring yourself to wear the apron let alone the shirt out in public, but you did it anyway, just to see the elated look on his face.

Who's more likely to give the silent treatment when they're upset?

Steve didn't like to argue, he always tried to bring the argument back down when something came up. He liked to downplay things and not make too big of a deal. You, though, liked to make your statement as blatant as possible, and when Steve just ignored you and disregarded what you were saying, you would just stop talking all together. This annoyed him to no end, but that's why you did it. It was very effective.

Who picks the obnoxious tracks (rainbow road) on Mario kart?

You. Steve sometimes avoids playing just for the fact that he doesn't want to fall off the track so many times. You would call him a baby and coax him into playing, promising that you wouldn't pick ones he didn't like. But, you picked them anyway. He knew you would and suffered through them just because you loved them so much. 

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