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What is their favorite feature of their partner's?

Steve loves your lips. He loves to look at them and trace them and, most importantly, kiss them. He had a huge thing for lips, apparently. Your favorite was his eyes. They were just like a bright ocean. You loved to just lose yourself in them. Because of these things, you two would just end up staring at each other for the longest time.

What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?

Steve likes to say he knew from the minute he saw you, but that's just silly. You guess it's a little before the first time he kissed you. About a week or so later, he had confessed his 'undying' love for you. He can be so dramatic. You, on the other hand, had had your eyes on him since you joined the Avengers indicative. The shaped blonde hair and the glowing blue eyes caught your attention near instantaneously, making you fall very, very hard.

Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?

Steve likes to call you 'doll'. Something he picked up from Bucky back in the day. He's also starting to catch onto 'babe' and 'baby'. You don't have a usual nickname, yet. You stick with 'babe' and 'baby', too, and the occasional dirtier ones.

Who worries the most?

Steve, for sure. He always worried about you. Hell, you could be going to the store and he would call you every ten minutes just to make sure you're okay. You would be lying if you said you didn't like it. It was nice to have someone fawn over you, even if it was a little overbearing at times.

Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?

Steve always gets your order right. Especially when you go to his favorite old fashioned diner. A large chocolate milkshake, four sliders, and a side of fries.

Steve Rogers/Reader Question SessionWhere stories live. Discover now