Chapter Thirty-One

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Abby woke to the need for the bathroom. She groaned not wanting to move from the warmth of the bed and Jaydes strong arms. The pressure wouldn't be denied though and she gently pulled away, sighing as Jayde grumbled slightly and slid out of bed.

Fuck it was cold, the cool air hitting her naked skin and she quickly reached for a jumper on the floor, her cheeks flushing when she caught Jaydes scent and she remembered the mad scramble to get it off her lover in a desperate bid to feel skin on skin, to feel anything other than pain. She sighed as she headed to the bathroom, who knew she would crave another person the way she did Jayde. Especially after their meeting. She would never have thought she'd end up having wild, passionate and desperate sex with the woman she'd met on the steps of the hospital, she paused, was it merely two weeks ago? It felt like so much longer than that. Maybe sex tonight hadn't been the brightest idea but whatever Jayde needed she would provide for her.

The chill brought her out of her thoughts again and she hurried to the bathroom. They'd had decent weather since the early snow storm just after they defeated the mountain and Jayde had warned her it wouldn't hold off much longer. The air was getting crisper and cooler each day. She knew they would be heading back to camp in a day or two now, with all that happened. She hoped they got back before a storm hit. Which led to the thought of Jayde staying with her back in the Ark, she didn't think Jayde would like the confines. If Jayde had a tent as big an spacious as Clarke and Lexa's she wouldn't mind. But that was getting ahead of herself, she didn't know what Jayde wanted.

Finished In the bathroom she paused to look at herself in the mirror, noticing she looked and felt a lot freer, younger, less stressed, despite today's occurrence. She knew she had been showing every bit of her age before Polis, now she looked like a young woman in the throws of an affair. Mussed hair, flushed cheeks and hickeys included. She would have to talk to Jayde about that.

A noise out in the bedroom had her frowning, it sounded like Jayde and it hadn't sounded good. She hurried to the door and threw it open to see Jayde thrashing about on the bed clearly in distress. Oh no, she remembered Jayde telling her she suffered from horrible nightmares. Obviously today's events triggered another one.

She hurried forward in preparation to wake Jayde when she bolted upright while letting out a blood curdling scream


"Jayde" Abby slid onto the bed and raised a tentative hand to touch Jaydes shoulder. Unfocused grey eyes came up to blink at her

"Mia?" Jayde croaked and Abby realised she was still caught in the throes of her nightmare somewhat. She had no idea who this Mia girl was. But obviously it involved something terrifying and the thought broke her heart.

"Jayde sweetly it's Abby" she murmured gently brushing back long dark hair. "You had a nightmare"

"Abby?" Jayde husked and before Abby knew it Jayde was holding her tight, face buried in her throat while she shook with tremors from the nightmare.

"It's ok sweetheart" Abby held the younger woman tighter "it was just a dream"

"No, it was real, all real and I will never forgive myself for it" Jayde sighed and pulled back. Abby looked at her curiously, hoping Jayde would trust her enough to tell her what happened.

Before she could say anything however there was an urgent knock on the door and Raven was calling

"Abby, open the door. I heard a scream" her young friend called and Abby sighed looking at Jayde who pulled the covers up for modesty and nodded solemnly.

"Ok, but I want to hear about Mia once I have soothed Raven's fears" Abby stated pointedly as she stood and pulled on some underwear while calling out to Raven to wait a second.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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