Chapter Thirteen

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I own nothing

Lexa and Clarke didn't leave the tent again that day. Once Lexa was in a deep sleep Clarke got up and grabbed one of her sketch books and some charcoal and dragging a chair from the main area sat back to sketch the sleeping brunette. Her hand flew over the page and she lost track of time as she lost herself in the art for the first time in weeks.

That was how Abby found her some time later, in a deep trance and sketching madly, once she convinced Octavia and her boyfriend to let her in as she meant no harm. Of course the fact that she carried a light snack before bed probably helped. Not wanting to distract Clark she stepped forward quietly and looked over her daughter's shoulder. She was hardly surprised when she saw the darker woman in bed being sketched in situ.

Abby always thought that her daughter was a brilliant artist and let her explore that as much as she could. Artistry had no use on the Ark though and that is why she pushed for Clarke to work with her and become a healer. A useful tool that had become more useful once they had sent Clarke to the ground and since. Clarke had saved a few with her healing ways, not the least the Commander.

Switching her gaze to the woman in the bed she was taken aback by how young the woman looked. She had known the Commander was young but she had always seemed hardened to Abby, beyond her years. She knew of the legend of a century old Commander spirit that transferred to a new person on the old Commander's passing and thought it complete hogwash. More so now seeing the youthfulness in the Commanders face, and the vulnerability. If she wasn't mistaken there were dried tear tracks on her daughters girlfriends face.

She grimaced, still not happy about the whole merger situation. Which technically made the Commander Clarke's fiancé and soon to be wife. Clarke seemed happy though and from the little Clarke had told her they were good together.

Her attention was drawn back to Clarke when she realised her daughter had finished her drawing and was stretching abused muscles that had been held too long in one place. Now that her daughter wasn't focused she realised she wouldn't be able to back up to the tent entrance and pretend she had just entered. Instead she decided to announce herself gently and carefully.

"You always were the best artist of any of us Clarke." She whispered causing her daughter to jump and try and hide the drawing. Abby touched her shoulder gently and looked down into blue eyes that so reminded her of Jakes. A pang of pain squeezed her heart but she brushed it aside. Regret, guilt and her anguish at her actions were for the privacy of her room, not for the public.

"Mum what are you doing here?" Clarke asked and Abby held up the wood tray with a light snack of roast meat sandwiches she carried

"I heard you had a late lunch and did not attend dinner. I brought you a snack" Abby offered "Plus I wanted to tell you Kosta is strong. Stronger than I imagined. He is doing well"

"Thank you" Clarke placed aside her sketch pad as she stood, not bothering to hide the sketch of Lexa. "Next time please announce yourself at the entry, Lexa won't like you seeing her sleeping"

"You looked deep in concentration. I didn't want to disturb you" Abby offered but frowned "why would she care if I saw her sleeping?"

"It is when she is most weak. She does not like appearing weak in front of anyone" Clarke informed and turned to look at the brunette. Abby recognised the look straight away, the look of love. She had seen it often in her life, had felt it once herself, seeing it in her daughter made her want to wail. Her daughter was growing up way to fast.

"Except for you" Abby offered and watched her daughter blush before looking back at the woman in the bed "How old is she. Right now she looks about 16"

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