Chapter Two

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I own nothing.


The sun was high in the morning sky and there was still no sight of their Heda. Indra had put people to work readying their burning tower and placing the dead amount it so they could send their spirits on. Even before when injured Heda made an early rise as to not show weakness. Indra knew though that her Heda had not been sleeping well recently either, perhaps that was the reason behind her sleep in. By the murmurings of the skaikru she realised Clarke too was missing. Knowing that the skaiprisa was with the Heda last night she wondered if she was still with her.

"Excuse me? Indra isn't it?"

Indra turned to see who was speaking to her and scowled when she recognised Abby, skaiprisa's mother. The other man, Kane, was behind her along with some of Clarkes friends.

"What do you want?"

"I was hoping you might have seen Clarke. I need to speak to her. I also wish to speak to your Commander" Abby looked around nervously, not liking the gruff warrior.

Indra glared at the woman, hating her for her insolence. She did not know how such a woman raised their skaiprisa.

"That is not for you to decide" she informed shortly "I will pass your message on to Heda and Skaiprisa. The decision is theres". With that she walked off leaving a stunned Abby behind

"Skaiprisa?" She asked Kane

"Sky Princess. The grounders hold Clarke in high esteem. To them she is our leader" Kane informed and Abby scowled before turning on her heel and heading back to the Ark. With a quick look at each other the others followed.

Inside her tent Lexa was awake, the pain of her body having woken her. She was watching with nothing short of confusion the blonde sleeping beside her. The previous evening was somewhat a blur. She remembered one of her top warriors revealing the mountain men's alliance offer.

She remembered striking him and coming to her tent and Clarke following her. She also remembered Clarke offering to heal her and the dull throb in her back reminded her of the stinging pain intermingled with the soothing touch of Clarke. She did not know why Clarke had stayed.

She did not want to admit that she had enjoyed waking up with Clarke. Having her warm body pressed against her, her beautiful face next to hers and the first thing she saw in the morning. She did not want to dare hope or dream. Clarke was not ready and she possibly wasn't either.

Two days ago when she kissed Clarke she had been lying to herself, believing there was only a mutual attraction. That she could enjoy the company of Clarkes body without the fear of what happened to Costia paralysing her. But she knew that was not true. If she lost Clarke now the pain of it would be equal, if not more than that of losing Costia. How had this happened? She had worked so hard at closing herself off, of not caring. Of becoming cold and unfeeling. How had one girl from the sky ripped open all her defences and come rushing in?

Footsteps outside alerted her to someone's presence and she recognised the tread of Indra as she hesitated a moment before peaking her head inside. Not wishing to wake Clarke she indicated for Indra to be quiet and beckoned her in. She could tell her warrior was struggling to keep a straight face and wondered if she was concerned about this turn of events or amused.

As the warrior came forward she kept her face impassive and Lexa could not read her.

"Heda" she acknowledged in a whisper "the skaikru request a meeting"

"Oh who?"

"Skaiprisa's mother and her lapdog" Indra informed

"Indra" Lexa chastised even though silently amused at the analogy "Clarke and I will be there once we are both up"

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