Chapter Seven

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I own nothing
Lexa wasn't sure how a simple walk around camp could wear one out so much but she was exhausted all afternoon and lay curled into Clarke sleeping the sleep of the dead. Not even the consistent sound of cutting wood, thumps in the ground and shouts could wake her. It really did prove to everyone that their Heda, who usually woke at the soft tread of a shoe, was indeed very sick.

Clarke was intrigued by what was going on but as the afternoon passed and the wind picked up then heavy rain could be heard she was glad for having an excuse to stay inside.

She watched as shadows moved around the tent and at 3 when a slightly drenched Octavia came in with a snack she asked what was going on.

"Just doing what Heda instructed to do. Finally got the poles up. We didnt exactly bring building tools" Octavia answered cryptically before leaving the tent.

An hour or so later a large shadow came over the tent and the rain practically came to a stop besides a few drips. Well now she really was intrigued. It was close to 5.30 when Lexa woke and looked around.

"Wasn't it raining earlier" she asked and Clarke shrugged

"Still is. Edge of the storm has come in. Wind has picked up too"

Lexa listened hard in concentration and realised Clarke was right. So if the tent wasn't being effected it meant the men and Octavia had prepared the camp as she requested.

"I need to get up" she informed, struggling to push upright.

"Of course you do" Clarke sighed but helped her up gently and assisted her getting dressed before dressing herself. She insisted Lexa wrap herself in a rug before heading outside.

As soon as they stepped outside the drop in temperature was obvious and Lexa shivered despite being rugged up. She could see her guards had been busy protecting the camp as the clearing on the camp side of the pond was totally protected by the hessian nettings from the tree line to over their tent and out to the fresh water pond. A small gap in the netting giving access to fresh water.

It wasn't a huge area and under normal circumstances she would expect her men to do it quite easily in half the time with half the men. However she knew that was with tools that hadn't been provided on this camping trip. She knew all they had were an axe and a couple of camp shovels.

Looking around she noticed they had made poles out of branches and smaller trees. Somehow managing to dig holes deep enough in the earth to sink them into and was secured by large piles of rocks at their base. She shuffled over to one and gave it a shake, unable to budge it in her weekend state. She hoped that meant it would hold. From the poles they had tied the hessian netting to cover the camp site. They were currently working on the last net.

She was not surprised when Octavia spotted them first and called out


The others turned then and echoed her cries. She held up a hand to quieten them and indicated they should get back to work. She was aware of Clarke standing behind her and turned to face her. The blonde was watching her with a mixture of amusement and concern and Lexa sighed.

"Bath?" she asked and had to bite back a smile when Clarke rolled her eyes but gently wrapped an arm around her and started to guide her up the protected path to the Pool. Lexa doubted she would have protested, even if she wasn't as weak as a newborn.

After a nice soak in the pool they returned to the tent. Heated rocks had been brought in to warm up the inside. Lexa was over having the salve applied and in pain asked if she could just have the other needle and take the tablets for a while.

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