Chapter 4

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Since I was leaving my family for 3 months, my parents decided to have a going away party. There was at least 50 people in my family, so we decided to hire a hall for the night. What can I say? Wog families aren't small. (pls don't take this as offensive if you are Wog, I'm Wog too :P)

Since we were all leaving, Flick, Jess, Em, and Georgia all came along and brought their families too, so it was a long night. We danced and laughed and cried all night. We finally said our goodbyes and all five of us left.

Since we were going for 3 months, we decided to get a hotel room in the city for the night to make sure we have everything we need and to get used to sleeping in the same room. We also kind of got the room because Flick, Jess and Em are catching the plane from me and Georgia's city so we are all together.

We all got in an uber and sang at the top of our lungs until we got to the hotel. Had to give the guy 5 stars for the fact that he didn't complain the whole ride. We walked up to our room and opened the door to find all our bags on the couch. We came before and dropped them off then went straight to the party, so room service must of brought them up.

We all talked and checked everything and decided on sleeping areas for the night. I had shot gun on the double bed! We were talking so much we lost track of time until Georgia pointed out that it was 1am. We said our goodnights and went to sleep.

----------Skip to morning----------

I woke up the next morning and checked to see if anyone was awake. Everyone was asleep, but I couldn't tell about Jess because she was talking and snoring at the same time. Oh well. Sleep talker. I got up and walked into the kitchen and pulled out toaster waffles and put them in the toaster. While they were toasting I went to the charging port where my phone was and unplugged it. I went through my Instagram and liked a few fan's photos, then made my snapchat public for a while and opened some snaps. Then I checked my Twitter and again my notifications were blowing up. I checked Ethan's account to see if he had said anything to me again that I missed, but there was nothing. I checked my DM's to see if anything came up, and saw that one of my internet friends from America messaged me, which she hasn't in a while.

"Hey I'd check Grayson's account if I were you, I think he subtweeted you"

I rushed to the search button and typed up Grayson's name. I clicked on his account and saw his most recent tweet, and well, you can connect the dots.

"Can't wait for today. We can all finally meet. Just wish the plane ride wasn't so long :/"

Is there another group of people coming from another country that he's excited to meet? If there is, why haven't I been told. I quickly pressed the reply button and typed back at him.

"@graysondolan I'm pretty sure you've mentioned before that you hate when people subtweet..."

I hit send and put my phone down as the waffles popped up. I looked from the kitchen to the lounge room to see if anyone woke up yet. I could see in the corner Flick and Emily slowly getting up and rubbing their eyes, stretching their arms and almost hitting each other. Their heads suddenly shot towards me, which probably meant they could smell the waffles. They got up and walked slowly towards me, trying not to trip over and wake Jess and Georgia. When they reached the kitchen, we said our good morning and they looked through the fridge and pantry to find all the food we bought to eat with the waffles. They set them on the dining table as I went to wake up Jess and Georgia.

I felt like surprising them, so instead of shaking them awake, I got two glasses of water and filled them up to the top. Emily saw what I was doing and quickly whipped out her phone from her pocket and opened snapchat. She came next to me to record as I slowly tip-toed towards my first victim - Jessica. I got right up to her face then slowly tipped the water on her face. I quickly ran to Georgia as I poured the water on her face before she woke up from Jessica's screaming and runs. They were both up out of their beds in a matter of seconds and were running to the bathroom to grab towels as me, Emily and Flick were rolling on the floor laughing.

We all eventually calmed down and sat to eat our breakfast, then we quickly packed and left for the airport. When we got there we went through security and finally made it on the plane. As we were waiting for everyone to get on, we all called our families to tell them we got on safely and that we would call once we landed.
We all sat near each other, me, flick and Georgia sitting in one row and Jess and Emily sitting behind us. As we were putting on our seat belts, I looked over to Flick to see her beaming.

"I have a good feeling about this trip"

----------Skip plane ride----------

We were on the plane for almost 20 hours and I couldn't wait to get off. We went through security again and as we got to baggage claim, I got out my phone and decided to snapchat all of us doing stupid things in the airport. As I was recording Georgia riding on the baggage claim, I felt two hands cover my eyes as another set of arms grabbed my phone and started to record themselves. Wait, I recognise these hands... And the voices...


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