Chapter 36: The Fancier Way

Start from the beginning

Like me.

Naomi snapped me out of my thoughts. "No."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "I beg your pardon?"

"No, I won't lie to you anymore about this. I remember how frustrated and confused I was when I was in your shoes. However, when I realized why they kept it a secret from me, I felt grateful, but also hurt because I've handled everything life has thrown to me. I'm sure you can do the same," Naomi declared.

I mentally clapped my hands at her speech. Preach girl I thought preach.

"But Naomi-"

"I still don't think-"

"Have you not watched every single drama movie where you thinking telling is a good thing, but it just won't end well?"

Well, I think we both know who said that last part.

Naomi put her hand on my shoulder. "I'll tell you, but not now."

I can feel my anger meter going up again. "Why not?"

"Because," Naomi looked at me cockily, "we have to go on our date first."



"So, this is a pretty snazzy date," I stated, looking around our surroundings. Naomi nodded her head in agreement.

I looked at her, questionably. "Tell me again on how we got stuck in a port-a-potty?"

Naomi re-adjusted her glasses on her eyes. "Well, we were fighting on how to say chicken breasts," she emphasized the word, "fancier."

"You mean bosoms."

"Nope. I definitely mean breasts."

I glared at her. "That's not even fancy."

She turned to me with a fierce look. "And yours is?"

"Breasts is as fancy as the swirly shaped poop in that toilet," I stated, pointing at the solid waste matter, which reeked the whole atmosphere around us.

"If we're ever getting out of here-"

"We're going to take a shower."

Naomi nodded. "That, and we're gonna ask the guys who's right."

I looked  down at my purse. "Speaking of the guys, why didn't we call them?"

Naomi looked thoughtful for a second before shrugging. "They never crossed my mind."

"Huh. Mine neither," I shrugged as well before getting out my phone to call them. My phone, being the smartass it is, decided that it's battery shouldn't be living in the worst situation.

"Um, mine's dead," I squeaked out. Naomi looked at me, shocked.

"You don't charge your phone before you go out?"

"I don't even charge my phone at night."

She looked at me weirdly for a moment before breathing out, "Why?"

I bit my lip before stating, "I like hearing music at night."

"Because you like dreaming of tacos falling out of the sky?"

I hugged Naomi. "How did you know?"

Naomi rolled her eyes but hugged me back. As we retreated, she dug into her pocket to get out her phone. Her eyes widen before she checked her other pockets. At last, she looked at me,worriedly.

"Um," She managed to breathe out. I tapped my foot, waiting for her to say it.

"I kind of don't have my phone with me?" Naomi stated. I looked at her for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter

"That's funny," I wiped my tears, "I thought you were actually serious for a second there. But seriously, call the guys."

"I wasn't joking," Naomi squeaked out.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "You mean you were actually serious?"

"Yep, pretty much."

I opened my eyes and looked at Naomi as she looked at me. We both thought of one word before yelling and banging on the door,



Okay, beautiful people. I know what you're thinking...

How I am so fabulous?!

Just kidding. I'm not even close to that.

Here's your chapter. It's short, I know. But I have greater ideas in the next chapter, that's why.

I realize from English class that in order for you to get your readers to read is to leave them in cliffhangers and suspense. It makes the story more clever.

There's also no real meaning into putting that video into the chapter. I just genuinely liked it and was listening to it while writing this.

But here I am trying to be clever. Here Frank is, being a baka as usual.

Frank: I wish I could quit.

Me: -looks at him sarcastically- But then you wouldn't have met me.

Frank: -stares at me for a moment- True, I wouldn't.

Me: -scratches arm awkwardly- I was kidding.

Frank: -grins- I wasn't-.

Channel Breaks.

The Good Girl(s)'s Bad Boys 2: The Abnormal, The Abused, And The Accused.Where stories live. Discover now