Ideas and a moment...

Começar do início

He nodded.

“Ok, well, to the book” I said standing up.

Gaara took me to his room and gave me the book, and from there we went to the library in search for the other books, if there even was any.

Scanning all the books I seen a shelf next to the table that looked like it had huge old books in it.

“I think...I’ve found them” I called out to Gaara.

“Yeah, that’s them”

We took out the many books; there was loads, on the clans, villages...everything...

“Well...I can tell you they are very old, and definitely not from here...” I said, blowing the dust off all of the books.

“How can you tell?”

“ one from this world couple possibly know this much from watching a series on TV...and don’t you see...under the names in English there is very faint writing in Japanese...which you could probably only see in the right light like I am now...they are huge for, yeah, they aren’t from here...they must have been written in your world...and sent these books looks like there could be secrets in it that some people wouldn’t want to find out...”

“Wow...I never thought of that...but yeah, you might be right...because the part on me in this book tells you about my abilities, my personality...and even what set me off when I first got this demon...people could certainly use this for an advantage...”

“ you think that your world sent these books down here? To me these books could be as important as the secret scrolls...but my theory on them could be wrong, there is only a fifty out of one hundred percent chance I could be right...the other fifty percent could be I’m just balancing my ideas on what I have to work with...”

“You could possibly be right, but as you said...there is a fifty out off one hundred percent chance...but I do think you are right...”

“That I’m right in thinking these books needed to be protected from people who wanted them for there own personal use and power?”


Nodding, I ran my hand over the books. They had to be here for a reason...yes maybe to be protected but...what for? Who would want to use them?

“We have a lot to work out about these books than it seems...” I whispered.

“I agree...” Gaara said “When I was reading the book, it looked like some ink was older than another was maybe the book was writing itself but I have no clue how that would work, I don’t even think it is possible...”

“Or...maybe someone was writing in it instead of the book writing itself, I don’t think that’s possible ether...”

“That’s much better than my theory...”

“’re just going to have to accept that in smarter than you” I giggled.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever” he mumbled.

I laughed and sat down at the table.

“ did you take the news of your future?” I asked, looking at him at the corner of my eyes.

“Glad...but a little freaked out...” he admitted.

“What are you glad about and freaked out about?”

“Glad that I get...this thing out of me...and freaked out because knows way in my future...”

“I guess...I would be like that to...and you’re not a monster, or a demon, or a thing matter...” I said, getting the Jinchuuriki book and looking at Gaara’s Jinchuuriki information.

“How do you know Sophie? I am a monster, and I will be until it is removed”

“Don’t say that! Don’t you dare say that! Gaara! You may have a Jinchuuriki inside of you but that does not mean you are a monster! You have feelings! You get shocked! You feel for others! You get scared! You’re nice to me! Those Gaara, are feelings! And no monster could have them! And that’s what I believe! So why don’t you start believing that to. Because at some point, you’re going to realise that you were wrong and I was right. Because I know you care...that you’re not a monster...and that you...Gaara...are the person that I have ever fully opened up to beside my friends...the person I already new...had good in him before he even realised it...and...The guy I’t say you are a most certainly are not...and never will be...” I finished looking down. I can’t believe I said that, but it had to be said “So...when you come around...I’ll be train to work together...anything” I sighed.

A few minutes passed and he said nothing, and I was beginning to become agitated by the silence. Soon though...someone was going to have to speak up...

“I...I’ll just go” I said standing up and walking to the door.

Before I could get there, sand now sealed it he wants to talk? And I didn’t even realise if he even had sand with him...

Looking at the corner of my eye I seen he was standing behind me, head down.

“You are right...” he said.

I turned around, now facing him but he never looked up.

“I are right in everything you said...” he said.

I couldn’t say anything, I was to shocked to say anything, he was...agreeing with me...I thought it would have took more time...but I guess not...

I sighed and waked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

He stiffened, shocked by the sudden gesture.

“Just hug me” I mumbled into his neck.

His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, clinging onto this moment. It was like he had never had a proper hug before...well...even if he hadn’t I’m glad I could at lest hug him and change his way of thinking...a little...

“Thank you...” he whispered.

“For what?” I asked.

“For being the only person...who has ever cared...”

Tears threatened to come spilling out from my eyes from what Gaara had said, but I kept them in and tightened my grasp on him, I wasn’t ready to let go yet...

What felt like hours later I let him go and looked into his eyes, they were a lovely shade of green...I smiled at him and took his hand.

“I’m not the only one who has cared...” I said, squeezing his hand lightly.

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora