~ Why Am I Here? ~

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      After much broken communication and berry offering, the butler had somehow finally managed to convinced you that he wasn't a huge threat. He wasn't at all phased as you started crawling towards him on all fours. He merely remained seated, cross-legged, and still smiling. You brought your face to his neck, ever so slowly, and took a large inhale. Your eyebrows furrowed as you sniffed once more. He smelled like nothing you'd ever smelled before. It wasn't particularly unpleasant, but it was a little difficult to stomach. It made your insides turn, but more with a feeling of dread than sickness. 

      As soon as the breath feathering his neck had come to a halt, he knew that you had tensed in instinctive defense. You were too close now to back away in time, so instead you just stayed there, frozen. Sebastian frowned. For whatever reason, he hadn't counted on the fact that you may want to inspect his scent. Slowly, but not slowly enough to make you believe he was creeping, he brought the remaining berries back out and turned to face you. As he did, he noted just how adorable you looked with your teeth bared. As quickly as he could without making you jump, he brought his now purple-stained glove, along with the berries sitting in it to your face, and then... he just stayed there. 


      It must have been a good twenty minutes that the two of you sat staring at each other. Then a thought struck you. During this time, this Sebastian creature had been given ample time and leeway to attack you, so if he was planning on harming you at all, he would have done it by now. Normally, you would have been far more cautious than this, but those berries looked incredibly appealing. You backed away to sit in a more comfortable position, before once again attempting one of those puzzling things called sentences. 

      "C.. Ca..n ... me.. bu..be..berr..y?" Even you looked confused at your somewhat lame attempt at speech. You were positive you could have done better, but as soon as you tried, words failed you. Yet another small chuckle fell from Sebastian's lips, as he moved the hand that was now resting on his thigh closer to you once more. It's funny what mere berries can do to a mind when you want them bad enough, for even Sebastian was taken off guard at what you did next. Dipping your head towards the berries, he at first believed you were going to smell them. Instead, you gobbled them up, right from the palm of his hand, much like a horse would. You had no qualms with this, and apparently neither did he, as if you hadn't been so busy with your snack, you would have observed him gawking at you in utter awe. 

      Unfortunately, the one time you'd chosen to let your guard down was the one time it probably should've been up. High up, like a giant wall that nobody could kick a hole through. (-_-) For in the midst of your berry indulgence, you had entirely failed to notice that these berries not only were far nicer than any you'd ever eaten, but that they also tasted just a tad odd. You didn't get much time to think though, as the first handful of berries you'd scoffed took effect, and you fell asleep for the second time in less than twelve hours. 


      Your state of beinglessness ended with the sound of what you thought to be muffled voices. Yes, that's what they were. Voices, which was... not good! You shot into a sitting position faster than even you could comprehend, and your reflex had already observed the room before your eyes even got the chance to begin. Hence the loud hiss that you just threw at the small creature standing at the end of... a bed? Wait... Sebastian! What was he doing here? And next to that unknown small thing! It could be dangerous! 

      "Ah! Bloody hell, Sebastian! What IS that?!" It knew Sebastian's name as well? Clinging to the headboard for dear life, you observed the tiny human skeptically. It appeared to approve of this idea, as it was now doing exactly the same thing to you. Sebastian chuckled. This was becoming such a common occurrence that it almost soothed you now. In fact, the very thought of him being here made this entire situation a little less dire. 

      "Young Master, I already told you. This is (Y/N)." He knew your name? "(Y/N)," he began, gently peeling you from the headboard. "...this is my Young Master, Lord Ciel Phantomhive, Earl to the Phantomhive Estate. He's your Master now, as well." You looked to Sebastian once, before crawling over to the end of the bed, where this small 'Ciel' creature still resided. You hesitantly buried your nose into the crook of his neck. 

      "Eh?! Sebastian!" The little human immediately tensed. 

      "Not to worry, Young Master. This is merely how (Y/N) gets to know people." Unfortunately, you were unable to revel in the panic-stricken expression that this young Earl was currently fashioning, but it truly was a sight to behold. Ah! Now this one smelled better. Much more what you're used to. You relaxed a bit, now knowing your new Master's scent. Master. Well, this would take some getting used to. 

Almost Feral  ~ Sebastian x Reader x ?Where stories live. Discover now