1. Jungkook

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Jungkook had finally moved into his large New York apartment. But in his mind, finally moving in meant finishing painting the walls of his bedroom entirely black. Mars black to be exact. It was his favorite color. Though it was dark and ominous, it gave him a sense of peace and comfort. Especially when he added negative pieces to the completely negative space.

The paint was left to dry over night and when he woke up under his coral colored sheets, he immediately got up and went over to the small corner in his bedroom that held a filing cabinet that was as tall as Jungkooks eye level. He took out a bottle of white acrylic paint and an angled brushed. He poured a decent amount of the paint onto a stained, styrofoam plate and walked to the large, black canvas that was the empty black walls of the bedroom.
He took the brush into his blistered hand and dipped it into the white and placed it on the black. At an excruciatingly slow pace, he dragged it along the drywall into a large circle, having to stand on his tip toes to reach what he thought was the appropriate height. He made sure the circle was absolutely perfect before moving on, or else he would never be able to be happy with his work.
With more detail, 30 minuets later, the picture ended up to be a planet, one like Saturn, with a ring around it, stars surrounding it. Jungkook stood back and admired his work. Just a small part of the 4 walls with high ceilings was filled, and he couldn't wait to do more.

He cleaned the brush in the sink in the kitchen in the next room and placed it neatly back in the metal tin, bristles up, just like the rest of his brushes.
He then took the white Polaroid off of his perfectly clean and uncluttered desk and took a picture of the painting.
When the photo developed, it was carefully placed in the scrap book to be on display at his art show tomorrow.

This would be his first art show that he had actually been to. Yes, he's had pieces on displays before, but never has he actually been there to present his art. In fact, this would be his first public appearance as "Jeon Jungkook: the artist".

He mostly just put scans of his pieces on his tumblr blog, and he has gained quite a following. That's how he got his job at the gallery in New York. They liked his art and contacted him. But no one on the Internet has seen his face.

He sighed when he thought about it, the fact that he had to go out and be a sociable human among the wealthy art collectors. But he continued to write the date and the story behind the art, under the photo. He called it, and the rest of the future project, 'space case'.


Okay, finally rewriting this book! I know I can make it better so I hope you'll help me ^_^

Not much will be changing, but a few things that's all. Hope you enjoy!

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