Chapter Six

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I get Reginald to drive me home and we leave before the movie ends. He walks me to my door and I say a hasty goodnight.

"So maybe we could go out some time."

"Like a date?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Yes. Did you have a fun time tonight?"

"Yes I had fun. But I'm not ready to go on a date. Can't we just be friends?"

"So I don't have a chance against the guy at the movies."

"I- no you don't." I admit.

"And he's the baby's father."

"Yup. And I'm still not over him like I said before."

"Yeah I remember. Call me when you come to your senses."

"See you just have to be unpleasant. You are a cool person when you aren't drooling over me and trying to tell me the dude I am with is not as good as you!"

"From what I hear, you and him aren't together. Isn't that why you took me up on my offer to get ice cream? You wanted to prove something to him and I was just being used. I gave you many chances, but I am done giving you my time. You're selfish and a user. Have a nice life!" He stomps off to his car and peels away, leaving angry tires marks and rubber-scented smoke behind.

I sigh and go inside my home. I send a text to Nina to let them know where I am and take a shower. I'm in my bed and reading a book when they all show up at my door. Mariah uses her key and lets everyone in. They all share matching expressions of disappointment.


"You can't just get mad and leave whenever you don't want to talk. And you definitely don't run off with stupid boys to piss me off."

"Don't be mad because you started an argument by doing something you know I don't like." I snap at him.

"Ángel is right Liz. You can't just run off when you don't want to talk." Mariah pipes in. Nina's nodding her head in agreement.

"So Ángel you want to talk about it?" I say, ignoring both of my best friends.

"Yeah. We didn't get to finish talking earlier."

"Okay talk." He looks at both Nina and Mariah and they get the message after a few stiff moments. He sits on the edge of my bed. I just stare at him.

"I don't want to argue over stupid things."

"Then don't ask stupid questions."

"Why are you always so difficult?! Why can't you just respect me as a man?!"

"You aren't a man. You're a boy. Would a man have gotten me pregnant?"

"Yes! And I'm trying to do right by you and the baby like a man does, but you're being a child and won't let me! Again and again I've told you I'm here for you and again and again you've told me it's pointless. Should I listen to you and move on? Should I just accept us as over and move on? Is that what you want?! Huh?! Me to go to some other woman and give her my name? Leave my child to be illegitimate?"

"I don't want that!"

"Then why do you treat me like you want to be alone?!"

"I don't. I-I-"

"No! You do. And I am sick and tired of dealing with you and this everlasting attitude. If you want to be with me stop playing these back and forth games. Do you want to be with me or not?"

"I don't know!"

"Well you need to figure it out! You talk to Nina about me being indecisive, but you are doing the same thing."

"That's different! Our child was involved with your mess."

"And does our relationship not affect our baby? You treating me like a yo-yo affects her just as much as me not wanting a child."


"You just can't shut up and listen to save your life. That's fine. Be right alone. And make sure to never forget this is it. We are done."

He storms out of my room and I hear him leaves apartment. I curl up on my bed and sob. Mariah and Nina run in to comfort me, but I'm inconsolable. Nina promises to talk to him, but I can't even respond.

She leaves and Mariah holds me like I'm a baby. She rocks me into unconsciousness.

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