Chapter Nine: Fruits of Labor

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The Best Man gives a beautiful speech about Martin and he tears up. Everyone claps and cheers and hoots when he finishes his speech. I stand ready to present my own speech and water runs down my leg. I ignore it and the pain that follows, but grunt a little, trying to get out my speech. I raise my glass of non-alcoholic sparkling white grape juice.

"Mariah I have known you my entire life and even though we started out rough we grew to be the best of-" A contraction hits me and I take a moment to compose myself. I take deep breaths and continue. "We grew to be the best of friends. We did everything together. I was there when you first met Martin and when you stressed about what to wear on your first date. And now I'm here with all of the people who love and care for you to give you away to a man who will protect you and provide for you and however many children y'all happen to have. Oh yeah, make sure I'm the Godmother of at least one of them. I love you girl and we'll miss you a whole lot while you're on this adventure. Be sure to fill us in occasionally. Cheers!" I sip my juice and sit back down. People erupt into applause around me. Mariah is crying and I wave at her. Everyone continues with the eating and dancing after that and someone puts on a slideshow of Mariah and Martin growing up. Mariah walks over to us and Ángel gives her his seat. She is frowning at me and she looks like she's trying to solve a puzzle.

"Is there something you want to tell me." She's not really asking and I'm not telling her something that'll ruin her wedding. I wince as another contraction hits me. I manage a weak shake of my head. "Lizzy are you in labor? If you are I'm going to kill you. Why are you even here?! Go to the damn hospital!"

"I'm fine. Enjoy your big day and don't worry about me. Something I ate just upset my stomach."

"We both know you don't lie well when you're in pain. I'm calling the paramedics." She pulls out her phone and I snatch it from her hands.

"I'm fine." I say again, this time with more conviction. She looks at me as if she wants to lay hands on me. "Really I'm fine. Go dance with your soulmate before your drunk aunt Linda does." She looks around to spot him and sure enough Linda is finishing off her glass of champagne and eyeing Martin from the bar.

"Why won't you just admit you're in labor? That's my cousin in there trying to come out." She pokes my belly.

"I'm not in labor and you need to stop worrying abou-" Damn these things are coming quick! I look her in her eyes and frown. "Would it ruin your wedding if I was in labor?"

"Lizzy you are so dumb sometimes. I'd love to see it before I catch my flight tomorrow. I want to at least be able to tell it that I saw it when it first came out instead of a year later when I came to visit. Now give me my phone so that I may call the paramedics to come and get you."

"Actually all I need to do is call my doctor and let her know I'm in labor so she can deliver it. The baby's right on time ya know? There won't be any complications, because I'll have my doctor to take care of me." She hugs me as another spasm runs through me and I call for Ángel. "Call Dr. Regina please. The baby's coming." He freezes for a second and then kicks into action. He whips out his phone to tell her that we're on our way, then he helps me get to his car and he speeds all the way to the hospital. We check in and the hospital already has a room prepped for us. Ángel helps me get into my gown, which takes too damn long. Dr. Regina steps into the room and greets us. "Good evening mom-to-be. Ángel could you tell me how far apart the contractions are."

"The nurse said she is dilated to five centimeters."

"Then she still has a little longer. Maybe you should get up and walk around until I come back to check on you."

"But it hurts. Like, a lot."

"It's just like a period. Your body is just contracting to make room for the ejection of the baby."

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