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Kaytlen looked at the time on the clock in the kitchen. She'd got two hours till he comes down for breakfast.

She grabbed the pancake mix and put the batter in the pancake cooker.
She also grabbed three eggs and cracked them on the edge of the pan. While the eggs and pancake were cooking she cut four pieces of bread and put them in the toaster.

She got the pancakes out and poured syrup on them and buttered them. She quickly set the plate down on the table then flipped the eggs and put cheese on the top of them.

Kaytlen grabbed the toast out of the toaster and buttered it and put peanut butter on it then set them on a separate plate. She turned off the stove and grabbed the spatula and dished the eggs onto the toast.

She heard him coming down the three flights of stairs since his room was the whole third floor. She quickly grabbed his silverware and got his beer. She went to the side of the kitchen where she was supposed to be.

"Is it ready?" He grunted at me. She bowed her head when he came in then lifted it up."Yes,Sir." He sat down and grabbed his fork and knife and cut into the first pancake.

"Good job,girl! It's actually good."He told her."Come here."That's what got her worried.

She walked towards him."You may have a granola bar but that's it."Then he slapped her back. Which hurt but she didn't cry,he would just hurt her more.

She grabbed a granola bar and grabbed her mother's old messenger bag. That is now her book bag.

She ran to the bus stop to catch the bus and waited. After about fifteen minutes she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around to see Ryder, the most popular person in school and one of few people who didn't hurt her.
"Hey Kaytlen! Lovely weather we're having."She faked a smile.


Ryder is her best friend,her only friend. The bus arrived and they got on. He let her get on in front of him so he would be able to catch her if anyone tripped her which happens a lot.

She got on and waved to Mrs.Allen,the bus driver.

As she was walking to the only free seat that had no one on it someone stuck their foot out and she fell.

She waited for the impact but it didn't come,instead an arm pulled her up before she fell. It was Ryder,who was glaring at Cassidy, who tripped her.
She whimpered and bowed her head.
Strange,she ignored it and moved to the seat.

Kaytlen finished the rest of the homework that she didn't do last night before bed,after she finished she leaned back.

"How bad was it last night?"Ryder asked her looking at her with concern. He's the only one that knows her dad abuses her. Besides the gang.

"He used a taser on me."She mumbled."WHAT! HOW COULD HE! THAT'S HORRIBLE!"He shouted,everyone started looking at the pair. She grabbed his hand."Don't yell about that."She hissed at him,he muttered a apology and she leaned back.

Time Skip
"Class dismissed. Remember five pages of World War I information for homework! You have two weeks to turn them in." Mr.Smith said as he grabbed the work sheets from each student.

Everyone rushed out of the room trying to get to their next class early. Kaytlen grabbed her books and speed-walked her locker. She put her history books in her locker and grabbed her algebra books.

"Schools almost done." Ryder said happily."One more class." He breathed out. Then get abused by my father and his friends. She thought as they walked to Algebra.

She grabbed the door handle to the Algebra classroom ,and for some reason she felt sparks run up her body.

She ignored the feeling and opened the door. She saw a very handsome boy standing beside Ms.Thomas. She sat down quickly and she felt a pair of eyes on herself.


"Macy Grale."


"Cassidy Martin."


"Ryder Stone."


"Kaytlen Rimmer."

"Here!"She squeaked out.

After the rest of the names were said she introduced the boy.

"This is Mason,my son. He is really good at Algebra so he volunteered to help." With that she started the class.

She had Mason handout the worksheets,when he got to Kaytlen he brushed his hand against hers and she felt tingles so she just grabbed my sheet and started figuring out the math.

After 30 minutes she was on the last question she started struggling with it.

"Need some help?" She jumped at Mason's voice in her ear.
"Is that allowed?"She asked.
"Yes it is." He said while looking at her smiling.
"Well.......alright then."She said nervously while looking down.

He helped her figure it out after all.
Once class was done she grabbed her bag and put all her books in it and started walking home.

"Need a ride?"She turned to see Mason looking at her while grinning.

If her dad sees him then he'll probably hurt her a lot. But a part of her really wanted him to drive her home.

"Uhhhhhhh.....o-okay."She replied while stuttering. And for some reason he seemed really happy about her answer.

He grabbed her hand and led her to a silver bugatti. She stared at it in shock,she had never been in a Bugatti before. She had only gone in a vehicle a few times in her life.

She got in and told him to drop her off at the park right near the school saying her house was across the street from it.
Which it wasn't,it was sixteen blocks away from the park.

He dropped her off at the park and drove away. She started walking towards her father's house when suddenly she was grabbed from behind by a masked guy.

And there was four others with him. She tried to kick the man with her feet but all that did was fling her legs and made her tired. He held her against his chest and she gave up.

The last thing she remembered before blacking out was being poked with a needle. She has a phobia of needles.

"I'm sorry Love."
Long chapter. How'd you guys like that?
First chapter,Quite long.

 How'd you guys like that?First chapter,Quite long

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