Chapter 11

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Waking up the next morning, I felt ready for the day, excited almost. This was the day that Levi would notice me and tell me that I was pretty. Maybe just like Petra.

I sat down at a table with the boys for breakfast and ate a small bowl of oats, as I was still trying to slim down like Petra. I decided to ask Levi about the hair dye in the afternoon, as we were going to be very busy with training that day. Nobody had even mentioned an expedition outside the walls as of yet, so I assumed that I was one of the only people to know. Keeping such a big thing a secret was a big challenge for me as it was quite concerning and important, but if the leaders of the Survey Corps hadn't told anyone yet, I guessed that the expedition as far into the future and not a major concern at the time.

Farlan and Levi still had looks of worry plastered on their faces as they watched me push away my still half full bowl. They didn't question me this time because I think that they learned that I would just brush them off.

Training was nothing special, the same old stamina drills and 3DM gear challenges. I finally took down a cut-out titan when I sliced through the rubber block stuck to its neck. I felt the way I did when I defeated Levi in a duel, the same accomplishment. Maybe I was ready for the upcoming expedition.

The day was coming to a close as the hour hand started to tick past the two. We were dismissed from training for the day and were sent back to our rooms. I met up with Levi to ask him for orange hair dye.

We met inside the dining hall and sat at the table that we usually did at breakfast.

"What is it you wanted to ask me?" He said, looking as bored and tired as ever.

"Um, I was wondering if you knew where I could get any hair dye, preferably orange." I stated honestly. He focused on me and sent daggers through my eyes with his.

"What's really going on with you Mia?" He said, completely ignoring my question.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"Stop dodging this every time Farlan and I ask you. We are concerned for your wellbeing that is all." He said as his face softened.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked.

"That is why I asked the question, is it not?" He said.

"Well, I can't lie to you. I've um...been trying to act and look like...someone." I said.

"Like who?" He said.

"Petra" I replied.

"Why Mia?" He asked.

I couldn't keep it in anymore; I had to tell him now.

"Because you look at her differently than you look at me and I wanted to be pretty like her, so that you would take notice of me." I explained. He looked surprised and taken back by my sudden outburst of emotions.

"B-but Mia, you don't understand. I don't like Petra, nor do I think she is very pretty, well not as pretty as somebody else I know." He said.

At this, I cried. He liked someone else now and had the audacity to tell me after I told him honestly about my actions for the last couple of days.

"Oh no Mia, that's not what I meant. You are taking this the wrong way. I like you! I think you are beautiful and I don't want you to change because I think you are perfect just the way you are. There was no need for you to try to act like Petra, as I never had my sights on her. I always had my sights on you. I guess I was being a dick because I haven't told you any of this before now, but I love you, so please don't cry. You took it the wrong way and I am sorry." He said in one long breath.

My tears stopped and so did my heart and my breathing. He likes me. Levi actually likes me for me and not me for Petra. He thinks I'm beautiful. My puffy, red eyes met with Levi's soft and loving ones and for a moment, there was nothing. Complete serenity.

He leaned in and smashed his lips onto mine. His and my lips moulded perfectly together like a puzzle piece. I didn't want it to end, but it had to as I was all out of breath and so was Levi. I was overflowing with happiness and Levi smiled. He actually smiled which made my smile touch my ears.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." he said.

"Me too" I said.

"Hey Levi, if I tell you this, you have to promise that you won't tell another sole." I said with a more serious tone.


"I overheard Erwin Smith and another man talking about an expedition outside the walls. I don't know when though. Levi, I'm scared. I don't want to die." I said.

"Don't be scared as there is no reason for you to be when I am with you. I will protect you no matter what. Right?" He said.

"Right" I replied.

We got up from the table and began walking to the door hand in hand when a rush of curiosity came over me.

"Levi, on that first day when you met Petra, why did you stare at her until she blushed?" I asked.

"She had food at the corner of her mouth." He said. I simply laughed and headed to the girl's quarters until it was time for dinner.

I giggled with Hanji for a while that night.

You're mine, right?-Levi Ackerman(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now