Chapter 18

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Levi was already up and dressed for the tiring day ahead. I pulled myself out of the cloud of sheets and walked over to the wardrobe. I took a jacket with the Wings of Freedom embroidered on the arm and the back, a green cape, my boots, white pants, and white button up shirt, and all of the straps used for the 3DM gear. After I was dressed I walked to the bathroom and pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. I brush my teeth and was soon ready. It was going to be like any other expedition I had encountered. Get the job done and get out.

I walked with Levi to the dining hall for breakfast and had a bowl of oatmeal along with Hanji. We then all headed to the stables to collect our horses and ride to the gates. Once we were at the gates we were put into formation. Our squad was placed towards the middle as we had some of the most valuable titan killers with us. Many new recruits joined the Survey Corps after our first failed mission to help replenish the number of soldiers we had. My squad was not the only one to be taken out by the titans that day. There were at least one hundred deaths that day including Farlan; it was a tragic day for the whole of humanity.

Once the formation was secure, the gates were lifted and we were sent out into the fields again. We were travelling at full speed towards the forest of big ass trees when a ten metre popped its head out of a patch of trees to the right of us. The rookies quickly eradicated it and we were back on track. We encountered five more titans before we reached the forest, but they were all killed quickly by the outer formation.

The forest was much darker than the outside due to the thick branches and the leaves of the trees overhead, but there was plenty of light to see where we were going. The deeper into the forest we got, they less titans we saw until out of the blue, a titan reared its ugly head right in front of our squad. The formation was disjointed because of the trees and the flares were no help in the situation as we weren't in any open spaces, so nobody warned us of the titan's presence.

Levi, Eld, Auruo and I all came to a halt, but Gunther and Petra kept going.

"Petra!" Auruo screamed.

"Gunther!" Eld cried.

At that, the titan kicked Eld off his horse and slammed Petra into a tree. It was at this moment that we realised that we weren't dealing with a normal titan. Any other titan would have picked them up and eaten them, but not this one, no; he just killed them because he could.

Levi sprang into action and so did Eld and Auruo. They sent their grabbling hooks into a trunk of a big ass tree and waited in a branch. The titan soon came running towards me.

"Mia! Get out of there!" Levi screamed at me.

This pulled me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I forced my grabbling hook into the branch of a tree and flew up using my gas tanks. The titan's hand barely missed me as it reached up to crush me under the pressure of its fingers. We needed to kill it and keep moving. Levi signalled to attack to weak spot using his hands and we all obeyed. Eld went first and slid his blade along the nape of the creature, but instead of hearing the flesh of the titan tear, we heard the breaking of Eld's sword. At that, the titan brought its mouth to the side and crushed Eld between its teeth. What happened? His sword couldn't penetrate through the skin. I looked at the nape of the titan and noticed that the skin on its neck had hardened.

Auruo then went for its Achilles tendon, so that it could no longer stand. As Auruo got closer, the titan lifted its foot and kicked him into the ground. Blood filled the air. Everyone in our squad was gone apart from Levi and I.

Just then we heard the footsteps of another titan. A six metre appeared behind us.

"I'll get it." I said before turning and sending my grabbling hook into the tree behind it.

I swung my sword at its nape and right before I was about to kill it, the titan grabbed me around my waist and crushed my gear. Both of these titans were more intelligent than any other titan we had encountered apart from the armoured and the Colossal.

"Mia!" Levi screamed desperately.

He passed the ten metre and came towards me at full speed. He was in mid-air and was about to send another grabbling hook into the closest tree when he stopped. His gear wasn't working, the wires were stuck. Levi fell to the ground and rolled for a metre before stopping and sitting up.

"M-i-a!" He wheezed.

The titan noticed Levi and bent down to pick him up. The titan now had Levi in its left hand and me in its right. We began coming closer to the mouth of the titan. This was definitely the end as there was no one left in our squad to save us. It opened its mouth wide and threw both Levi and I in at the same time. The world was still.

"Levi, I'm scared!" I cried.

"Me too, but we will be fine. I love you. Meet me on the other side right?" He said.

"Right" I said as at tear slipped down my cheek.

We were swallowed whole. My hands were intertwined with his as my eyes closed and vision faded.

You're mine, right?-Levi Ackerman(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now