Chapter 10

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The next day was an average one, but I had one specific goal in mind. I had to find the true identity of the girl with the glasses and brown hair.

Instead of waiting for the other girls to wake up, I decided to get up and find the female restrooms as I had only used the ones near the dining hall. I took steady paces towards the door and with each step I took, I heard the faint creaking of the floorboards beneath my slightly cold feet. I passed all of the beds and made sure that I hadn't woken anyone.

I soon passed a bed positioned against a wall with a small, square bedside table next to it. The bedside table had a pair of broken, rectangular rimmed glasses on them. I quickly stole a glance from the girl lying in the bed and sure enough it was Hanji. Her brown, curly hair was sprawled across the white pillowcase and her mouth was slightly open and mumbling words like 'titans' and 'help'. She was having a nightmare. She soon began tossing and turning a little while she slept and I knew that I had to do something. I gently grabbed her shoulders and shook them slowly. This reminded me of the morning I got back from Levi's for the first time and Hanji was having a mild nightmare.

"H-Hanji?" I whispered.

Her eyes shot open as soon as I said her name. She let her gaze rest on me and soon realised who I was.

"Mia! Mia! Mia! Mia!" She quietly screamed.

"Hanji! Hanji! Hanji!" I quietly screamed back.

"Oh my god, I missed you soooooo much!" She said.

"Me too Hanji." I said as I thought to myself; why didn't she come to see me earlier, everyone knows who Levi, Farlan and I are?

"You came in here with those other guys didn't you? They are the ones from the underground...Levi and ah, Farlan." She said.

"Yes" I said simply.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going Mia, and I'm also sorry that I didn't come to see you earlier, I just thought that because I didn't tell you those things that you would hate me." She said with weary eyes.

"Oh, no Hanji. Not at all! I could never hate you because you are one of my closest friends." I said quickly.

We then leaned into each other for a long-awaited embrace. She was quite warm and way more muscular than she used to be. They must've trained her hard out there. I soon let her go and stood up.

"I'm going to go and find the restrooms." I said.

"Okay" She smiled at me and rolled over as there was still about half an hour left to sleep before we were expected to be preparing for the day.

I ventured down a long and narrow hallway, reading each sign on the doors that I passed. I seemed to be walking for hours, reading sign after sign with people's names printed on them in all capitals. The hallway was still quite dark and you could hear a pin drop, as the sun was soon to rise.

After what seemed like another long hour, I came across a door that caught my eye. This wasn't the bathroom door as it had a man's name printed on it. I recognised the name.

'Erwin Smith' I read quietly to myself.

Another thing that caught my eye was the light shining under the door and the muffled sounds of men discussing.

"......expedition......outside the walls," Was all that I could make out from a deep male voice.

No, we couldn't be going out on an expedition now. I hadn't slaughtered a cut-out titan before and I certainly didn't feel prepared to kill a real living and breathing one. I was good with 3DM gear and knife skills, but not giant man-eating creatures that could pick you up and eat you within five seconds.

I ran back to the girl's quarters and sat on my own bed nervously until it was time for everyone else to wake up and get ready for the day ahead. I did still need the toilet pretty badly, so I asked Petra where the closest one was and it turned out that I walked right past it.

I glanced at myself in the mirror.

'How can I look more like Petra?' I wondered. I pulled out a knife from my belt, Levi had taught me to always keep a knife on me, and dragged it through my hair. I cut it to the same length as Petra's and through the handful of curly, brown locks into a bin. I then forced a smile on my face and walked out of the bathroom.

I received some very strange looks from the other women in the room, especially Petra and Hanji.

"Wow Mia, your hair looks, ah, different!" Hanji smiled.

"Thanks" I said as I walked towards my bed to pull my jacket over my shoulders and walk with everyone to the dining hall.

I decided not to tell anybody of the conversation that I heard, as I didn't want to alarm anybody.

Once I had my food and sat down with the boys, they seemed to be more concerned than the day before.

"Mia, are you feeling okay? You have hardly eaten anything, you are acting strangely morning happy, and you have cut your hair." Farlan listed.

"Yeah I'm fine." I brushed him off. "Levi, do you like my hair?" I asked him.

His eyes met with mine and sent cold shivers down my spine. He looked somewhat disappointed, confused and also concerned.

"Yeah" He replied simply.

He didn't seem to think as much of my hair as he seemed to think of Petra's hair. Maybe I needed to dye the same colour as her I thought.

I decided that the next day I was going to ask Levi where I could find some orange hair dye as he was the only person I could think of in the world who would know the answer to such an absurd question.

You're mine, right?-Levi Ackerman(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now