Lord Death?

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<Misaki's POV>

"Osamu," Rin yells from the kitchen, "get up, we have work to do!"

I groan and will myself to push the covers off my body and plant my feet firmly on the floor. I do my morning stretch and fast walk to the bathroom Rin and I share to brush my teeth and wash my face. I hurry back to my room and get dressed in my usual black skinny jeans, black cami, black boots that go up to my knees, and black leather gloves. Yeah, my favorite color is black.

I put my long black straight hair in a high ponytail, two strings of hair falling in front if my eyes. Whatever, I can never get them to stay anyway. I look at myself in the mirror, my light blue eyes staring at my pale white skin. Maybe if I'd just go outside more and stop being an otaku I'd have a tan and guys would talk to me. Just like Hanako next door.

I'm pretty tall, for an 18 year old. Rin tells me I look beautiful, but the guys down the street have other opinions. Once I just got fed up with it and stuck Rin on them. Now they think I'm attractive enough for them to approach. Maybe that was a bad idea, 'cause now they won't leave me alone.

Right now, Rin and I are living in a small apartment working in a small bakery. It's not much, but hey, money is money. Sometimes the old man will give us some of the bread or pastries that don't sell very well. He knows I love any kind of sweet, but I stay away from coconut; allergies. Anyway, the old man is sweet. Too bad his wife was a witch, she died by the hands of some kid with a sword. He had blue hair and was pretty short. I haven't told anyone, and don't plan on it either.

I sigh and walk into the kitchen, the fresh eggs, fish, and rice punching me in the face.

I smile at Rin in the pink apron I bought him for his birthday and sit on the stool at the counter.

He turns off the heat and puts half of the pan on my plate and slides it to me.

"Morning gorgeous," he says and pops the eye of the fish in his mouth.

"That's gross," I say, watching him chew in distaste

"It's healthy for you, unlike all the sweets you eat," he says back, and eats breakfast out of the pan.

"Whatever," I make a face at him and he laughs.

When we finish breakfast, he goes to get ready while I watch the news. A man has broken out of the asylum apparently. I hope they put him back, what If I see him on the street and he comes at me?

"Hey, let's go," Rin shouts from the door.

I switch the tv off and turn off the kitchen and living room light off. He throws me my black hoodie and sticks a stick of Chapstick on my lips.

"Rin, stop, that's annoying," I say when he's finished.

"It's cold outside, your lips will chap," he puts the stick in his pocket and walks out the door.

I roll my eyes and follow him. He locks the door and we're on our way to the bakery.

"Well hello Misaki and Rin," the old man says as we walk in through the back door.

"Hey old man," Rin says as we walk up to our lockers.

I take off my hoodie and put on the white button up I'm supposed to wear and tuck it in, then I put on the little tie all the female workers have to wear. All the females have to wear a skirt too. What sexist made up that rule?

We start our shift for the day. Rin is the cashier and I'm the waitress. My day consisted of saying "hello", "may I have your order please", "will that be all," and "have a wonderful day." Smiling nonstop everyday really starts to hurt after a while. And, as always, there was a sexist pig in the bunch of hungry, impatient customers. I just ignored him and kept the smile on my face. I turn to see Rin frowning in my direction. Apparently he heard what the men had said to me, so I just wave to him and finish my shift.

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