Chapter 3

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Chloe Lukasiak collapsed onto her bed, trying to catch her breath. She was the schools star jock, and played soccer, netball, cricket; every sport that her town provided. She enjoyed playing sports as she was a very competitive girl and was born into an athletic family.

She sat up and decided to do a mini workout while her muscles were warm because she had just finished playing basketball. She opened a workout app on her phone and sat on the floor. "Start off with doing 100 sit ups." Her phone said in that boring, non tone voice. Chloe bent forward and touched her toes and lent back to lie on the ground.

She continued this action until she had finished. "You completed 100 sit ups in 5 minutes. Your record is 3 minutes." Chloe puffed and felt upset with her time as she usually got 4 minutes. "Now do 50 push-ups." Chloe completed her exercises and by the time she was finished she was out of breath. Chloe got out her homework then heard her mums whiny voice.

"Chloe! Dinner!" Her mother called. Christi was dishing out dinner, which consisted of spinach, mushrooms and meat; all protein foods. Chloe ran down the stairs and grabbed her plate of food. "It's protein night!" Chloe muttered sarcastically. "A good athlete needs a good diet." Christi said sternly.

Chloe scuffed down her meal then ran back upstairs. She got into a plank position and started to read her book for English. Whilst she was in the plank position, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She thought it was nothing so she brushed it off, that's what a true athlete does. The pain came again and Chloe fell out of the position to clutch her stomach. But, the pain didn't stop, in fact it got worse.

She thought the pain was from the exercises or something she ate. Chloe felt tears brim her eyes and felt the need to scream, so she did. She screamed louder then she'd ever done before, but that was when she had won a race or was celebrating something with her friends. But this time, she was in pain.

"Chloe! Chloe! What's wrong?" Christi screamed back. Chloe pointed to her stomach then pointed to her phone. "Hospital! My stomach is giving me sharp pains!" She screamed. Christi picked up the phone and frantically called the hospital. "My daughters stomach is giving her sharp pains! Please come!" Christi yelled into the phone, ratting off her address then hanging up.


In no time, Chloe was rushed into hospital and surprisingly, she got a bed straight away. "Alright, we need to run X-Ray's, if that's alright ma'am?" One of the nurses asked Christi. "Whatever needs to be done," Christi said holding Chloe's hand.

Chloe had stopped screaming but she was still in pain. The doctors wheeled her over to the X-Ray and she was told not to move. She was a bit scared because this could mean she would never be able to play sport again.

Sport was an escape for her as she could run, jump, kick, punch without getting in trouble. It was the best feeling when she won games as well. It also held some personal things for her and that's why she felt the need to prove herself every game or win all the time.

The doctors came back in to wheel Chloe back to her room. A nurse was already there with Chloe's meal. "How'd the X-Ray go?" She asked politely. Chloe read that her name was Nelly. Nelly pushed Chloe's dinner over and she sat up straight in the uncomfortable bed, not answering her question.

Chloe lifted the lid off of her plate and looked at the disgusting fish with packet mashed potatoes on top. She tried not to dry reach but it was pretty hard not to with the smell. "I'll leave you to it." Nelly said walking away. Christi held Chloe's hand and whispered, "You don't have to eat it."

Chloe pushed the tray away and giggled. She pulled the stiff sheets up to her chin and closed her brown eyes.


"Please! Please don't do this!" The blonde girl screamed. Chloe ignored the girls pleads and lifted the metal object. "What have I done to you?" She whispered. Chloe put the knife down and motioned for the little girl to sit on the only chair.

She sat down reluctantly and Chloe stood in front of her. "You see, your older sister and I have a lot of... history," she smiled evilly. "How?" She questioned. Chloe was two years older than the blonde, but she was still powerful and could wrap you around her pinkie in seconds.

"She sabotaged my only chance to become a professional sports woman. So I ruined her opportunity. You see, if someone does something rude to you, you don't let them get away with it, no, you give them payback. And you, will be my payback," she finished picking up the knife again.

"But it doesn't involve me which means I should get going," the younger girl said getting out of the chair. "I know what you've done, Chloe. And sports women don't-" the girl was interrupted by Chloe as she thrust the knife into the left side of her body, where her heart was.


Chloe woke up panting and in a sweat. She couldn't think of her past, it was too touchy. Chloe lifted the sheets off of the horrible mattress and walked into the bathroom. She washed her hands then came out. The nurses still hadn't taken her meal out and it was just sitting there, rotting.

She pinched her nose as she smelt the hideous fishy smell. Chloe noticed a white piece of paper underneath the dish. It was a little stained but it was still ok. So curious little Chloe picked up the piece of paper.

1000 words, then you're gone.

Chloe drew a sharp breath and scrunched up the piece of paper. Someone knew about Chloe's addiction, her craziness and what she did to Jaycee Wilkins.

{ So, we learned a few things about Chloe in this chapter. She's not so sporty spice now isn't she? And I got served that fish dish when I got my tonsils out and basically did the same thing 😂😂 Next update soon!}

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