Knowing Nelly I know she wants to comfort him because she just hates seeing other people sad, so I turn to her and she looks at me with pleading eyes, asking for permission and I sigh while nodding. She kisses my cheek and walk over to the other side of the beach towel and sit down next to Genesis and start talking to him but I just zone out everything they're saying to each other and watch her lips as they move with every word she saids... They're so big and juicy, I could kiss them all day.. My God... She's so freakin beautiful it's painfully...

After a while of staring at her I snap out of it when I hear my name being called and I shake my head coming back to reality and see that everyone is headed over to our table to eat, and Nelly is standing in front of me with her hand out and a confused expression on her gorgeous face. I grap onto her hand and she saids,"Did you hear me Gray?" I say,"No, I heard you call my name though." She saids, while helping me up,"Well it's time to eat now." I nod and we walk towards the table where everyone else is.

Nelly sits to my right and Ethan is on my left, with my parents across from us. Everybody starts digging in to the food that was already prepared in front of us and as we are eating, I notice Genesis staring at Nelly from the end of the table. I swallow the rest of the food in my mouth and say,"What are you looking at?" He shrugs his shoulders and look away. Ethan hits my arm and say,"What the hell Gray?" I feel myself getting angry real fast..

I say,"Genesis keep on staring at Nelly!" He saids,"Dude calm down alright! Keep it together, I'm sure he wasn't doing it on purpose." I just breathe in and out slowly and turn back to my food trying to calm myself down. I don't why I'm getting so angry?.. Nelly rests her hand on my leg and say,"Are you alright baby?" I nod and say,"Yes princess I'm fine." She doesn't seem to be buying it so give her a reassuring kiss on her forehead and turn back to my food.

She rubs her hand up and down my leg and whisper my ear,"I know your not alright baby..." I turn my body towards her and say,"How do you know?..." She smiles and peck my lips, then pull back saying,"Cause, you kissed me on my forehead and not my lips like you usually do." I smile and peck her lips saying,"I love you." She smiles and say,"I know." Then she turns back to eating her food. I grab her chin gently and bring it to my lips causing her to giggle.

I pull away and say,"Say you love me more." She smiles and say,"I love you more Gray." I smile back and say"That's my princess." She blushes and I let go of her face and we continue eating. My Uncle Vaton saids from across the room,"Ahh Grayson! Are you going to introduce me to your lovely girlfriend?" I chuckle and say,"Yes, this is my beautiful girlfriend Nelly, Nelly this is my Uncle Vaton." She swallows her food and say,"Hi!" He smiles at her and say,"Ciao beautiful it's very nice to finally meet you. Grayson's like my second son so he's told me all about you. He called me the other day and was like, 'Oooh Uncle V I can't wait for you to meet my princess! Your gonna love her!' "

She blushes and cover her face in her hands while giggling. I blush too and wrap my arms around her while laughing and shaking my head. She lifts her head up from my chest and say to him,"It's nice to meet you too umm...." He quickly saids,"You can call me Uncle Vaton or Vaton until you're comfortable with Uncle." She smiles and say,"Okay, well it's very nice to meet you Vaton, and thank you for the compliment." He smiles and say,"Oh the pleasure is all mine sweetie." I look at him with my eyebrow raised and he just smirks and continue eating his food... He tried it...


Hours later...

The dinner is now over and I can't be anymore happier! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, it's just that I wanna be alone with Nelly... I told her at the house that her ass was mine and it will be the sooner we get to the house. I've been trying to control myself all night, but, my God has she been teasing me in that dress... After the dinner, all of the older cousins moved to the other side of the beach and blasted music through the boom box, that one of my cousins brought and we were having like a bonfire/party. I was sitting on one of the logs and Nelly was in front of me dancing to the music as I held onto her waist and sometimes I would just smother my face in her ass just because it was so round soft and jiggly haha.

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