Chapter 5: The Siblings

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The house was quite lovely. It was a beautiful shade of blue, with white trim, and there was a garden of roses in front of the porch. It was clean, and the lawn was cut and watered. There was a large oak tree in the yard, letting the sunlight in, streaming. It was hard to believe that such a dangerous entity was inside this place. The ghostmobile parked next to the mailbox out front, and the men inside slowly got out, staring in awe at the remarkable tree. Finally, Ghost snapped out of his trance.

"Okay, Johnny. Let me do the talking here," Ghost explained.

"Ok, sir." The two came to a white door, with a stained glass window. Ghost knocked three times. There was silence.

"Hello?", Ghost called.

"Must've been prank callers, sir," Toast tapped his chin. Ghost shrugged in response. But, just as they were about to turn away, the door swung open. A man in a black shirt stood in the doorway. He was breathing hard, and a worried expression covered his face.

"Hello," Ghost said, "I am Johnny Ghost, Paranormal Investigator Ex-"

"Yeah, I know. I don't have time," interrupted the man, "Thank goodness you're here. I'm Isaac Frye. Or HomelessGoomba, if you like. Follow me." Isaac gestured inside. The two followed him. They passed rooms full of ransacked furniture. They looked like they had been quite nice before, but had been broken. Glass shards covered the floor. Isaac led them to a bedroom, where three figures were hiding behind the bed. There was another man in a blue hoodie, as well as two women. One of them held a crowbar.

"Isaac, you made it!", the other man said. He held a shotgun ready.

"Hello, Johnny," he suddenly turned his head to stare at the hooded investigator.

"So we finally meet, for the first time." He smiled at Ghost in a strange way, as if he knew him. Ghost was taken aback.

"How do you know my name?", he inquired.

"Oh, you have no idea," he said, "I'm the one who created you." Ghost blinked.

"I'm Jordan Frye, also known as Venturian. Greetings, fellow adventurers." The woman with the crowbar was Bethany Frye, they soon learned. And the other one was Cierra Frye, or ImmortalKyodai.

"So, wait, what about this 'Gwegowy' problem?", asked Toast.

"That was just to get you to come," replied Cierra, "We have an even bigger case. Listen. We're not from here-"

"What?!", the ghost hunters were surprised.

"We come from another dimension," explained Bethany, "This storm came out of Jordan's computer, and carried us here."

"We had no idea my computer was a portal to the Gmod dimensions, but I guess it makes sense," shrugged Jordan. The siblings explained their YouTube channel, Venturiantale, where they role played in games like Gmod. They also explained the tales series' they did in other games. They told of how some of the people they knew from their world were created as role play characters by various siblings.

"My mind is blown," said Ghost, when they had finished.

"Mine as well, sir," Toast agreed.

"Alright, then," Ghost said, "Tell us what you remember about the tornado."

"Okay," said Jordan, as he took a deep breath to tell his story:


Venturian laughed, as Bethany's player got sucked into the tornado.

"Nooooo!", she screamed, though she was laughing, as she watched the now limp character fly through the air. This new tornado map was so fun! There were eight twisters circling them, now. Dark, purple clouds spun around, twirling this way and that. HomelessGoomba chased ImmortalKyodai around with a crossbow. Everything was fun and exciting.

"Whee!", cried Venturian when one blew him into space. He could see the entire map from here! It was an amusement park, with a rotating ferris wheel, a pool, and a bouncy house, which he landed in. But as it flung him into the air, he could see a black shape coming slowly towards him.

"Wow," he said, " This map just took a dark turn!" He laughed a little at his own pun, but stopped, as the tornado broke the fourth wall, literally. His screen smashed into pieces, and he cried out as the glass shards hit him. Smoke was everywhere, but in an instant, Venturian was flung into the computer screen. He expected to hit a motherboard, or some other piece of hardware. But instead, he found himself falling from the sky, and he could feel the wind on his shoulders. He was no longer sitting at his computer in his own room. He was now actually in the game itself, as if it were another dimension. He landed in the pool, fortunately.

"Jordan?", called HomelessGoomba, who had heard his shriek. But Venturian was unable to reply, as he was still underwater. But, as his head popped up on the surface, he could see Homeless's player, who stared at the man he knew to be his brother, even with Gmod graphics.

"Wow," he said, "Your playermodel looks just like y-" His words were cut off with a scream. The tornado had caught his siblings as well, and was dragging them through Jordan's computer.The player fell, dead, and the Goomba fell from the sky into the pool.

"What?!", he cried, as he appeared beside Venturian, "Where am I?!" More squawks could be heard, as their two sisters fell into the game as well.

"Bethany's hurt, guys!", cried ImmortalKyodai. The ginger had not resurfaced. They all gasped when they saw blood, clouding up from the bottom.

"I think she hit her head on the pool floor!"

" Don't worry, guys. I got it," Venturian dove beneath the waves. He could see Bethany at the bottom quite easily- her fiery red hair waved around her bright green jacket, like a flag. Bethany was unconscious, but he could see she was still alive. Venturian pulled her up and dragged her to the surface. Fortunately, in Gmod, people were lighter, as there was a little bit less gravity. When the two appeared, Homeless and Immortal cheered. But there wasn't much joy to be had in this world. They still had to get home. But how were the siblings even supposed to exit the map, when they were actually a part of the game? They could not open any menus, or reload anything. They clambered out of the water.

"Hey, guys," Homeless called, "Maybe we could use that wall to get out.

"Good idea," Immortal said, but we'll have to dodge that tornado." They ran along the sides of the map, Bethany still in Jordan's arms. They reached the wall, and they scrambled up it's side. Surprisingly, there was no empty space beyond it, as there usually was. Instead they found roads, and highways, and other things you would usually find in a real world. In fact, they were surprised that the amusement park was empty. Maybe it hadn't opened, yet. They could see the sunrise on the horizon, and they were in awe of the beautiful landscape that was before them.

"Wait," Isaac suddenly blurted, "We need shelter. Where do we go?"

"We'll look for a place, even if it means sleeping on the streets," said Jordan, "But first we need to take care of Bethany." So, for the rest of the day, they sat there on the wall, tending to the cut on Bethany's forehead. Jordan ripped off some of his hoodie to use as a bandage. They were alone on the wall. Finally, after hours of sitting there, Bethany opened her eyes.

"Where am I?", she mumbled. The other siblings told her what had happened. Bethany looked surprised.

"I never knew that could happen...", she whispered, "How are we ever to get back?"

"Well," Cierra smiled, "I think I may have a ghost of an idea, if you know what I mean."  

The P.I.E Rises (Venturiantale)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant