Chapter 4: A New Case

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"Sir? Wake up, sir," a familiar voice came into Ghost's broken mind. He moaned, sleepily.

"Is mornin' alrdy...?", he mumbled. Toast laughed.

"Sir, you must be tired, should I go make some tea?" With eyes still closed, Ghost sleepily attempted to push his partner away, then rolled back under his covers. That only made Toast laugh some more.

"Wrm....murbl...hgnyhf...mmrruuu...", Ghost hugged his pillow in his sleep. He wasn't even going to try to talk. Not when he had a bed to go back to. The British man took the covers off of his bed, startling Ghost, and instantly waking him.

"Johnny! What was that for?!", He cried out, eyes wide, and hair tousled.

"Good morning, sir!", Toast beamed, as Ghost rubbed his eyes and sat up. He could see that Toast was already dressed, and his black hair was slicked back. He looked at the clock. It was 11:00 AM.

"How long did you let me sleep?!", Ghost rubbed the back of his neck in alarm.

"I figured you needed the rest after last night, sir. Don't worry. I slept in as well," Toast replied, though it was not the answer Ghost was looking for, and went downstairs to mix up some brunch. Ghost shook his head, laughing a little. Some mornings were just so strange. After getting dressed, pulling on his hoodie, and flipping his hair, he went downstairs. Toast was prepared with his namesake, along with eggs, bacon, and a glass of orange juice at each place setting. As they sat down to enjoy the delicious food Toast had prepared, the phone rang.

"Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire here," answered Ghost,"What's your problem?"

"You the ghost catchers?" , a frantic voice came out the other end, "Listen. I'm having some trouble. This morning, I was hearing strange voices. At first, it wasn't anything too bad- just lots of whining, and complaining. The voices kept saying 'Gwegowy' over and over again. I'm not sure what it means." Johnny's eyes went wide, but he had no idea why. Gwegowy. He recognized that word. But it was something he couldn't put his finger on.

"Later, when I was making spaghetti, I noticed that it's conversations with itself described disturbing themes, such as murder, abandonment, blood, and death," continued the customer,

"That's when I became worried. Then I saw, written in ketchup, one word. Casket. I have no idea what it means, but it can't be good. Can you solve this case?"

" Of course!", replied the ghost hunter, "What's your address, and when is a good time?"

After plans were made, Ghost hung up, and gave his partner one of his mischievous smiles.

"Johnny. I believe we have a case."

Toast smiled back.

"You ready for this, sir?", he asked.

"You bet!"

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