Chapter 6: The Plan

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"So we made our way to this house- don't know whose it was, but it looked recently abandoned, so we kinda moved in," Jordan went on, "And we found some First-Aid kits, and weapons, so we set up camp here."

"And then we called you guys," finished Isaac, "Because we knew you were the most experienced with interdimensional travel."

"Well, we are, but we have no idea which dimension you come from," said Toast.

"I think it may have been the seventh one, but I'm not exactly sure...", Jordan muttered as he tapped his jaw in thought.

"Well, what is your dimension like?", asked Ghost.

"Well, it's full of average citizens going about their daily lives, horrible wars, crime, and social media," explained Bethany.

"Oh, I think I know which one you mean!", exclaimed Toast, "It's the sixteenth dimension! All we have to do is use Papa's head cruster to open the portals and go to that dimension!"

"Oh, yeah, Johnny!", Ghost said sarcastically, "Great idea except for the fact that we have no idea how to get to the dimension we're looking for!"

"Don't back-sass me, sir. I have a plan," Toast argued, "All we have to do is cycle randomly through dimensions until we find it!"

"And be lost in the multiverse for who knows how long?! Do you know how many dimensions there are?!"

"Uhh... 23, sir?"

"There is no end! It's infinite! And even if we could find the right dimension, we'd still have to get home!"

"Maybe we'll get lucky, sir."

"And maybe we won't." Both boys fell silent, but the room was still very tense. The silence lasted a long time. Everyone carried long faces. Finally, Toast spoke up.

"Sir," he said, "Maybe we could study it. We don't know much about it, and we may be able to find a way to choose the dimension we desire to travel to."

"You, could do that, but be careful," Cierra jumped into the conversation, "I don't think we'll be able to respawn you, so you won't be able to come Back from the Dead."

"And, if we...die," Isaac explained grimly, "You will be stuck with one life forever, because... because I don't think we can come back either." The awkward silence continued. None of the other Fryes had thought of that. There was suddenly a great risk in not getting the siblings back home. Until they were in their own dimension, no one could respawn. Ever. If anyone died, they would stay dead until the siblings could revive them. And if they didn't make it, well, Ghost could not bear to think of it. But as the silent darkness crept into the room, he made a promise. I will not lose the Fryes, he told himself. I will not lose Toast.



"What? Who's this?"

"Remember me? You're my best fwend, Gwegowy!"

"Why are you calling me Gregory? I'm Johnny!"

"Come back to me, Gwegowy. Come back to your fwiend."


"We were wike bwothers. Come back, so we can be a famiwy again!"

"I don't even know you!"

"Yes, you do. You just don't wemember!"

"Go away!"

"No, Gwegowy. Never."

"Why not? I already have so many voices inside my head!"

"I will stay wit you until the end. Come back with me, or I will get mad!"

"I'd rather not!"

"Too bad, then! I guess if you don't you'll had to watch owt!"


"Sir, I think I have some information about the head cruster," Toast reported. It had been two long days of studying, and experimenting with the strange device. The Fryes were staying at the HQ, while the two investigators studied Papa's head cruster.

"What is it, Johnny?", Ghost replied.

"I think we have a way to find and select the correct dimension, sir," Toaster went on, "By using our ghost hunting equipment, we can change which dimension is open. But we still can't just enter the dimension name into a keypad or anything."

"So we have to scroll randomly through the dimensions until we find the right one?", Ghost shuddered at the thought.

"Not exactly, sir. We can actually see the dimensions in order, so it won't be too much trouble."

"Yeah, you said it was the sixteenth, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"So all we have to do is organise a party to join us, just in case, and then get to the sixteenth dimension to drop off those weird Venturiantale people. But how do we get back? Jordan's computer may not work anymore, or the tornado might have eventually made it's way into their house!"

"Don't worry, sir. Life has it's risks. And, anyway, I don't think his computer actually broke. Or, at least, the portal didn't. These things are strong, you know," Toast didn't seem too worried about the danger. How did he do that? Whenever Ghost was startled, or presented with great risk, he was very cautious, even panicking when things went wrong. Toast's courage was something he had to admire. Ghost tapped his chin in thought.

"Alright," He said, finally, "We'll do it. We'll bring the Fryes home."
"Didn't take much convincing, did it?", Toast's face was serious, but his eyes laughed. Ghost shrugged.

"Guess not," he said, indifferently, "When should we go?"

"Next week might work out," Toast replied. Ghost held out his hand for a high five, but Toast just stared at him in confusion.

"Hold up your hand, Johnny!", Ghost tried to explain, "Like mine, see?" He grabbed his partner's hand and pressed it against his own.

"See?", he pointed out the hands, "You just slap it against mine. See?" He gave up.

"Never mind," he sighed, and turned away, leaving Toast blinking.

"Well that was weird," the British man said to himself, "I guess I should get to work then..."


Eight figures stood next to the head cruster. The wind blew through their clothes, and the sun shone brightly, though it was still a chilly morning. The people who were about to risk their lives for the Gmod universe were silent. There was Papa Acachalla, Johnny Ghost, William Barricade, Johnny Toast, and, of course, the Fryes. No one moved, and they barely blinked. They all knew what could happen to them, and they were thinking the same thoughts. Everyone was looking down, as if they had a heavy weight on their shoulders. Toast looked at his partner and friend, who nodded. Understanding the gesture, he reached into his pack and took out a control panel, which he had designed to control dimensional portals from very far distances back at the lab. Ghost watched as he entered in a few keys, to begin the procedure he had gone over many times. Even though they couldn't choose the exact dimension, they could type in the amount of dimensions they would go through to get to their destination.. Because they were in the first dimension, Toast ripped the number sixteen into the keypad. Meanwhile, Ghost felt very strange. He tried to remain calm, but he was so afraid. It was as if something, or someone was trying to get a hold of his very mind. The fear penetrated his soul. His vision began clouding over his eyes. Suddenly, before anyone could react properly, his eyes flashed red. A wide smile crept over his face, and he giggled a little. He swiftly reached over to the keypad on the panel and typed in one extra number, just as Toast pressed a big, red button that would send them into the desired world. Toast tried to cancel the command, but it was far too late, and the party was already spinning into the new world that awaited them. In about 2 seconds, they found themselves in a strange land, with an unconscious form of Ghost lying on the hard, rocky ground.  

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