19. Liberty is Short

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Note: I am so, so, so sorry for the delay!  I had a serious case of writer's block, coupled with a whole bunch of school work.  That's not a good combo.  But I really hope you enjoy this, and I hope I'll be able to get back into publishing regularly from now on!


At first, the temperature drop had been subtle; so subtle that Cinnia hadn't taken notice.  But now, she found her own teeth clattering uncontrollably in the night.  She sat pressed up against the wall, knees to her chest, and covered in the flimsy blanket, wishing she had access to a homely fire; or at least a better mattress and a thicker blanket.  She hadn't seen Kieran and Adorno for days, and she wondered what kind of work Derane had forced upon them.  Doc had reassured her that, even though they worked through blood, sweat and tears, that Derane hadn't harmed either of them.  She was worried though; last time she had seen the two, they had promised her they were planning something in order to expose Derane's actions.  Though she hoped for their success, she didn't allow her expectations to get too high.

Cinnia's mind numbed as she listened absentmindedly to the steady rhythm of the waves hitting the hull and the constant sound of her teeth hitting against each other.  She closed her eyes and imagined the south, picturing it as Doc had so vividly described it.  The white beaches, waters that remained forever warm . . .

     "Get in, ye foul thing." Diesel's voice boomed as the outer door opened momentarily, allowing a quick gust of chilly wind to enter into the prison.

     After shaking herself out of the trance of thought, Cinnia had forgotten she was freezing, and leaned forward slightly with newfound curiosity.  "Be careful, Diesel." Doc's voice came.

     Doc, Diesel, and a terrified Adorno came into view.  Diesel's large fist seemed glued to Adorno's collar as he nearly carried the smaller man in front of him.  They all wore thick garments, competing with the freezing temperatures.  Doc slipped around the hulking figure and unlocked the cell next to Cinnia's.  Diesel chucked Adorno inside as easily as if he would have been a small bag of flour.  Doc locked the padlock and turned to Diesel.  "Now, off with ye.  Ye did as Derane asked."

Diesel didn't say anything, but simply glared at Adorno before turning his eyes towards Cinnia, where his glare deepened even more.  A certain terror bloomed in Cinnia's stomach as he met his glare, and her mind suddenly conjured up an image of Diesel giving way to his rage.  She shuddered at the thought of her own, broken body.

     "Move along, Diesel.  Justice will be dealt."

     Diesel grunted in response and reluctantly tore his eyes from Cinnia's, and continued on up the stairs.

     Doc waited until Diesel had squeezed through the door--and closed it behind him--until he turned back to the two prisoners.  "Adorno, are ye alright?"

     Adorno grunted and shifted himself so that he was sitting upright and nodded.

     "Ye should know better than t' sneak around the Capt'n's quarters." Doc said in a scolding tone.

     Adorno snorted sarcastically at the word "Captain,"

     Doc shook his head, "Well as long as ye're not hurt."  Doc turned to Cinnia, "Here," he said, taking out a bundle of clothes from within his jacket, and squeezing them in to Cinnia's cell through the metal bars, "Kieran asked me to give these to ye since Capt'n Derane won't give him a chance t' see ye himself."

     Cinnia struggled to her feet and accepted the garments.  "Thank you, Doc."

     He smiled sadly, "I wouldn't want ye freezing to death."  He threw a solemn look at Adorno, who sat on the floor, quietly staring his knees.  With a nod to Cinnia, he turned and walked up the stairs.

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