2. Captain's Son

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Damn it!  The apples...how could she be so stupid?  But Cinnia didn't say anything, hoping desperately that for some miracle, he'd walk away.  But they knew she was here...

     "I know you're in here.  I saw you running towards the walkaway.  And the apples, well, they were a dead give away." He said.

A moment passed as Cinnia continued to stay quiet.  The man could have very well actually looked around for her in the small storage room, but that would only mean he'd be more vulnerable to assaults.  Smart man, she thought.

     The man sighed and threatened, "All right, well I guess I'll have to report this to the Captain then.  And you should know, he can get--"

     "Alright, alright." Cinnia said hesitantly, giving in.  This man might be easier to deal with than the Captain. 

     "Show yourself." He said cautiously.

     Cinnia took a deep breath and lifted her hands up, to show she was unarmed as she stood up.  She had almost forgotten about the gun in her boot.  Maybe she could--?  No, others would hear the gunshot.  When she first got a look of his face, her eyes widened.  So did his.  This must have been the most handsomest man she'd ever seen.  Dur'reth had a few handsome men, but this was beyond comparison.  His chin was masculine, a covered in a short black stubble.  His nose was thin, his eyebrows bushy, and his cheekbones high.  His eyes must have been what perplexed her most.  They were gray and full of spirit, something that was rarely seen in Dur'reth.  She recognized the Captain in this man.  Could he be...?

     "You're a woman?"

     Cinnia didn't think she was in a good position to mention how offensive that was to her.  "Yes, and?"

     "Well, it's just that, I thought you were a man...or a boy at least.  It looked like it."

     "Looked like it?  When did you see me?"

     "I told you, I saw you hurrying towards the barrels."

     "I look like a man?"

     "No!  That's not what I meant.  I just didn't get a good look of you.  And besides, why would a woman...?" He trailed off.

     "...sneak aboard a pirate ship?" Cinnia finished his sentence.

     The man nodded.

     "You've seen Dur'reth.  Would you have stayed?"

     "Dur'reth?  It isn't bad..."

     "It isn't good either..."

     "Just hold up, I'm not here to discuss Dur'reth.  Why in hell would you go sneaking aboard a pirate ship.  There are better ways to die, you know."

     "Yeah, well, dying in Dur'reth isn't one of the better ways."

     The man was silent for a while before breaking it, "But, why?  Are you out of your mind?"

     "I would have been if I had stayed there.  Look, I'm not explaining everything to you."

     "You damn well should, what's to stop me from going to the Captain right now?" He said, raising his voice.

     "Because if you really wanted to, you would have done so before coming down here." Cinnia challenged.

The man's jaw clenched.  Another icy silence came.  "You know you'll die here."

     "I'll take my chances negotiating with the Captain."

     "Don't be naïve.  What would you offer?"

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