Chapter Eighteen: Sleepover

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Danielle and Tate show up at the un-godly hour of one o’ clock, which is my nap time. They’ve both expressively energetic, knocking at the front door like someone’s chasing them. When I open the door, they both explode into the house with their loud voices and incomprehensible words.

            “I can’t understand either of you!” I yell, and they both stop talking.

            “Where have you been?!” Tate shouts, and then gives me a hug. “We have been calling and calling. We thought you were dead!”

            “Dead?” I say and then I laugh. “Why?”

            Danielle grabs my arm and looks at me. “Didn’t you hear? That fight at Chase’s house got Chase and his gang really angry.”

            “Like, extremely angry,” Tate adds.

            Danielle nods. “And they’re not happy with Macey, you, or anyone whose associated with Gavin. They’re on some kind of chase.” She smiles. “Chase is on a chase. Get it?”

            “Where’s Macey?” I ask.

            Danielle makes a face at me, and Tate replies. “Last time I heard, she was at a friend’s.”

            “She didn’t even stop here for her clothes,” I say.

            “Word on the street is she and Chase had a huge disagreement before Gavin and his crew came along. She’s in hiding. You saw how crazy Chase is.”

            “I don’t like this,” Tate says quietly, shaking her head. “I don’t like this at all.”

            Danielle looks at me creepily and smiles. “There’s also another word on the street.”

            “Oh, yeah!” Tate exclaims, grabbing onto me. “People are talking about you and Ryder!”

            I stare at them. “People? What people?”

            “Everyone!” Tate says, and I have no idea what she’s so happy about. “Your romance is like Romeo and Juliet on fire!”

Let’s hope not.

“So let me get this straight,” I say. “People, whoever they are, know about me and Ryder?”

They both nod. “It’s pretty obvious that you guys are so into each other,” Danielle says. “It’s hard not to notice. Whatever happened at Ryder’s house anyway…?”

They both smile that dumb smile while waiting for an answer. But I just shrug casually. “Nothing. He’s got a girl.”

What?!” they both say. I try to control the sudden fire that starts up within me, tearing apart my tissues and my dignity and my hope. And then I remember the way he looked at me this morning, honest and real.

For a moment, there is silence between us three. Both of them are eying me in this sort of way, like they’ve never seen me like this before. How long have I kept a wall to keep them and everyone out?

“Well,” Danielle says, interrupting the silence. I catch her and Tate exchanges glances, and Tate is biting down on her lip like she can’t bear me being so vulnerable. “We are upset.”

I raise my eyebrows at them. “You? Why?”

Tate grabs my arm. “Because Gunner and Caleb are on their way to hang out here, and you didn't even think to invite us!”

I roll my eyes. “Is this Ryder’s idea? I told him that my brother and I don’t need security! We’re fine.”

“Stop being so stubborn,” Tate says throwing her purse on the table. “We’re all just worried, okay? If all our parents find out that some violence is going on between Chase and Gavin, there are going to be some serious consequences. Besides, Chase is still out there looking for your stupid sister.”

“How hard can it be to find her?” I ask. “She’s got, like, two friends.”

Danielle looks at me intently. “But a hundred boyfriends.”

This is true. But it doesn’t matter if she has ten or hundred or five million. There’s only one person kind and stupid enough to invite her back, after she used him shamelessly.


Poor guy. She wouldn’t have even known him if he hadn’t been my ex.


            At around six, Gunner and Caleb come through the door like it’s their house. I come down the stairs, followed by Tate and Danielle. It’s kind of annoying, but for some reason, wherever I go, they go.

            “Hey!” Caleb says, shooting me a sweet smile. I can tell he’s very excited to be here, especially when he spots Tate behind me. “You ladies up for some fun?”

            “Yeah, we are,” Danielle says.

            Gunner is holding a bag behind his back and he nods to me coolly. “How’s it going?”

            “Uh, good,” I say. He shoots me this doubtful look, and it’s surprising to find him expressive since he seems chill all the time. “What’s with the bag?” I ask, motioning towards it.

            Gunner shrugs casually. “Some stuff.”

            “We’re sleeping over,” Caleb says, smiling.

            I look at all of them like they’re crazy, but I’m too tired to debate this. “Whatever,” I say. I lead them into the living room by the front door. “Enjoy your stay at Hotel Dawn.”

            Gunner smirks. “Well, sit down so we can give you guys the low-down on things.”

            The couches are pushed off to the side and we all toss blankets on the ground and sit on them. Gunner leans his back against one of the couches with his elbows on his knees.

            “So, what’s up?” Tate asks. And I don’t know why her and Danielle are acting like we’ve known these guys forever, but I’ve stopped questioning things out loud.

            “Well, Macey was spotted this morning with Peter, and we’re pretty sure Chase found out about it.”

            My brother Dan appears at the entrance of the living room and leans against the doorway. He’s in sweatpants and a white t-shirt. When he comes in, we all look at him. “Is she going to be okay?” he asks.

            “Maybe I should go get her,” I say, feeling ashamed somehow.

            “No, that’s not a good idea,” Caleb says.

            “Maybe I should call my parents,” I say, and this sets an alarm that all four of them react to. “NO!” they all say at once, and I cringe. “Okay,” I say slowly, sensing that they all know something that I don’t. Worry builds up in my chest. I look at all their faces – Tate’s and Danielle’s and Gunner’s and Caleb’s, and I feel like there is fear in their eyes. And I remember the way Chase targeted knives at me and it suddenly dawns on my stupid, stupid, brain that perhaps this situation is more serious than I realized.


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