Chapter Fifteen: A Convo With Gavin

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My eyes flutter open as I lay there for a moment, my body feeling sore for some reason. Flashes of last night come back to memory, and I sit up immediately, remembering. I am in Ryder’s room.

            I look around. Okay, my clothes are on…Ryder is gone…and I hear banging in the kitchen. My phone buzzes and I jump, looking over to the small table by the bed. The text that pops up is from Tate: Where the hell are you?? Danielle and I are freaking!

            I quickly send her a text back reassuring her that I’m okay. Not a minute later does she reply: I lied to your parents and said you’re sleeping over at my house. They’re on Macey’s ass for being at Chase’s house. Where are you?

            I decide not to respond, hearing someone hum from the kitchen in a very low voice. I’m alarmed for a moment, really hoping that it’s not Ryder’s parents. But then again, I doubt they’d be here. I scoot off the bed, finding Ryder’s bathroom real quick to freshen up. When I’m done, I lean against the doorway and stand there, listening. The humming continues, a voice of wisdom and humor. It’s Gavin.

            I descend the stairs slowly, making sure that the noise is loud enough so that I don’t frighten him. When I appear at the bottom steps, I find Gavin slapping some mayonnaise on a sandwich, clearly occupied with his lovely voice. I clear my throat. He looks up.

            I can’t say that his stunned expression is a little skeptical, since I thought Ryder would tell them I’m here, but I can say that he’s really good at being casual. Even in the awkwardest moments. “Do you like turkey sandwiches?”

            I smile. “In the morning?”

            “Is there a law against eating turkey sandwiches in the morning?”

            I let out a laugh, nearing the counter. I stand on the opposite side of him, watching him silently as he continues making a sandwich. “Where’s Ryder?”

            There’s a second where Gavin hesitates, then flips a piece of toast in his hand. “He’s running some errands. He’ll be back.”

            “He didn’t tell you I’d be here, did he?”

            When I say that, Gavin stops what he’s doing and looks up. “He doesn’t have to. I’m glad he did. It was pretty intense last night. In fact…” From the side of his head, Gavin slipped out a bloodied paper towel. A gasp rips through my chest.

            “Oh my God,” I say. “Gavin, you have to go to the hospital. Now.”

            He shakes his head, waving me off and throwing away the paper towel. “It’s getting better.”

            I lean over the counter to get a better look. There’s a huge gash behind his ear, like someone tried to slit his throat but ended up targeting his skull. “That’s not getting better.”

            “No, trust me,” Gavin says, barely looking at me. “It was worse last night.”

            “What did Chase do?”

            “Ah, it’s nothing,” Gavin says, waving the issue away again. No wonder he was able to date my sister. Every bit of bitchiness she threw at him was bounced back by his lack of worry. “Chase and I have been at it probably since high school.”

            I fold my arms together. “Okay, if you’re sure you’re okay.”

            Gavin smiles at me and shakes his head. “I’m sure.” He pauses for a moment.

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