
"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes Luke, I'm really worried actually."

"Don't worry, okay? I'm absolutely positive he likes you."

"But this is normal, I think. I'm just self conscious."

Samantha's face looked filled with worry. I didn't like seeing her like this, especially over Michael.

He really did like her, but she just didn't believe me.

"You don't have to worry, Sam, okay?"

"Yes I do Luke. Why can't you just let me be?"

I saw Bianca freeze a little. Could she hear us?

"You don't know for sure, Sam. What if you're wrong?"

Bianca served the ball and I shook the thoughts of her listening to us off.

"Listen to me, Luke. The moment you start to like someone, like really like someone, not just the way you "like" Brittany, is the moment you can judge me for being self-conscious."

She didn't know how I felt. She didn't know if I liked anyone. She couldn't judge me either.

But I didn't tell her that. Instead, I just nodded and agreed with her.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Now c'mon, let's go back with everyone else."

"So, who won?" I asked as Sam and I went back to the girls. "I did," Bianca smiled happily.

She looked so pretty when she smiled. It made her brown eyes sparkle more than usual, and her face, her adorable face, lit up as she smiled.

Wait, what?

Those thoughts were neutral, right?

I mean, you can think someone is pretty without actually liking or being attracted to them. Right?

I shook my dumb thoughts off, high-fiving Bianca.

"You'll for sure make the team."

"Thanks guys. But enough about me, let's do what we really came here for: to pretend Luke and Sam are together to make Brittany jealous." Bianca said.

"I have an idea!"  She exclaimed. "Sam and Luke go cuddle over there and Camila and Lauren go cuddle next to them. I'll take a picture saying how I feel like a fifth wheel."

Bianca took a picture of me and Sam hugging awkwardly with Camila and Lauren full on cuddling next to us.

"Wow, I feel like such a fifth wheel," Bianca said aloud as she typed it on her phone.

"Trust me," muttered Sam, "you have no idea how being a fifth wheel feels like."

"Oh, um. Yeah, okay, I guess."
Bianca was so awkward, aw.

Shut up, stupid head!

I had to stop thinking like that. Bianca was just a really close friend, who I just happened to think was really cute, but like, in a friend way.

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