Chapter 1

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I was looking all around my bedroom. The room I had ever since I could remember. I was checking to see if I had everything I would need, then my mom would mail me my computer and other things. 'It looks like I have everything' I thought to myself.

My door opened "Jack?" My mom walked in. "It's two in the morning, you should get some rest before you head to the airport."

"Ma, don't worry. I'll sleep on the plane." I laughed.

She smiled at me and looked around my room "We'll miss you Jack."

I looked at her and gave her a hug. "I'll miss you guys too. I'll call you guys whenever I get the chance." She sighed a bit and walked out of my room. I went to go grab my suitcases. Once I did, I looked around my room and said "Good-bye." I walked out and turned off the light.

-down stairs-

I set my suitcases next to the door and turned around to see my parents standing there. "C'mon guys, let's watch some T.V. before I leave in thirty minutes." I smiled at them and sat on the couch. They soon followed.

My dad grabbed the controller and turned on the T.V. and stared flipping through the channels. "There is nothing good on T.V. anymore." My dad whined.

After a few minutes of flipping through the channels, I grabbed the controller out of my dads hand and turned the T.V. off. "Let's just talk instead" I stated.

No-one really said a word for a while. Then my dad spoke out loud "Son, if you ever have any problems out there, you come back home. You understand?"

"Yes dad. I do." I replied. I checked my watch and I only had five minutes 'til my taxi came. I stood up and faced my parents. I turned to my mom to say something, but I noticed she was crying. "Awe, ma." I said pulling her off the couch and gave her a big hug.

She let out a big sob. "You... you be safe out there Sean. Don't.. don't hesitate to ask us for help.

I pulled away, "Ma, it'll be fine. I'll be with Uncle John (I made that name up)." I smiled at her. "I love you mom." Then I looked at my dad, "And you too dad." Tears started to fall down my face.

He stood up and hugged me and my mom. We stood there a couple of seconds and then a honk came from the outside. "My ride is here." I said while moving away from them.

They smiled at me and said, "I love you Jack." I grabbed my things and went out of the door.


"SHUT UP WADE!" I said. We parked in the parking lot at the beach. We got out of Wade's truck to get our surf boards out of the bed of his truck. Bob stood there standing looking at his board. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"It just now came to mind, we won't be able to do this all time once we're in college." He said looking at me then Wade.

"We'll find time." Wade said smiling like a weirdo that he is.

We all walked on the sand and set our boards down and sat beside them. "Just imagine what it would be like." I said.

"What?" Wade asked.

"College." I replied.

"Probably better than high school." Bob said laughing. Then me and Wade joined in. We sat there just looking out at the water and the waves. None of us said much.

"Hey Mark, do you remember Haley?" Bob asked snickering.

"Yes, why'd you bring her up?" I said glaring at him.

"I just remember in 8th grade durning that skating party she kissed you and you nearly wet yourself." Him and Wade bursted out into laughter.

I joined, "Not funny you guys."

We sat there for a while laughing and telling stories from the past. These two were my best friends since the 4th grade.

"We've come a long way." I said. They nodded.

Wade shouted, "Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" He said jumping up grabbing his board and running towards the water. Bob and I laughed and then we followed.

~Hey guys! This is my first story and I think it started out okay. I wanna know what you guys think and see if I should make more. I would really like to make more, so please tell what y'all think. Bye!~

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