"You must be Feliciano." He said with a tight smile, like he wasn't used to it, but his tone was polite and kind. "Ludwig wanted me to make sure you got these. A small gift."

Inside the box was an orange and a piece of chocolate wrapped in tin foil. Feliciano gasped softly and picked it up.

"How did you..?" He looked up at Vash and blinked rapidly in disbelief.

"As Gil mentioned, I had to run a few errands." Vash kept his eyes trained on Feliciano. "You've had a long day, the least I could do was this."

Feliciano thanked him and quickly unpeeled the orange as he left the room, taking a slice and sighing at the fresh burst of flavor in his mouth.

Fruit had been a luxury, a fortune only certain people could afford. Something only found in the black market if you were lucky.

Feliciano jumped slightly as the clock struck seven behind him and announced it with a chime. He looked inside the box and saw a small paper, handwriting scrawled across the lines.

It'll be a while. Maybe I'll see you when this is all over, Feli. Until then, enjoy the freedom.

- L.B.


Feliciano pushed his hands deep into his pockets and slowly wandered around Vash's bckyard. He owned several acres of land so there was lots to explore.

In the few days that he'd been here, he took a liking to the area nearest to the house where a forest joined the the field. Romano refused to take any down time and would go into town almost every day to look for work or to keep himself busy.

Feliciano knew it was just because he couldn't be surrounded by the open air and few people where everything was subject to discovery. In the crowds he could blend in. In a house with three others, it didn't matter who you were, everyone was an anomaly. An open book.

The Italian made his way down to the small creek that wound through the trees and shivered when he dipped his fingers in. It was a lot colder up here than he was used to.


Feliciano jumped and quickly spun to face the voice, fists clench and tensed stance. Gilbert put his hands up in surrender and chuckled softly.

"Easy, easy." He smiled as Feliciano relaxed and took a seat on a fallen log nearby.

The Italian sat on the ground, leaning back against a tree across from him. He picked up the stem of a leaf and began tying it into tiny knots before he spoke.

"You like to come out here too?"

"Yeah," Gilbert sighed softly. "I like this little creek and there's lots of frogs out here too."

Feliciano squirmed and cringed but the German just laughed a little.

"Not a big fan?"

He shook his head and twirled a leaf in between his fingers. "Definitely not."

A gentle silence fell between them for a while before they both felt questions itching at them, suddenly asking them at the same time.

"How'd you know Ludwig, anyway?"

"Why haven't you written him?"

Feliciano laughed nervously and looked away, blush rising to his cheeks.

"We, uh," he stuttered. "We're, I mean him and me.. we're together.. you know?" The Italian felt a pang in his chest and his smile faded into a sort of frown. "Or.. we were together, I guess."

Gilbert raised an eyebrow and nodded with a sympathetic smile. He hummed quietly and ran a hand through his hair.

"So," Feliciano let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "What about you? Why haven't you written him? You knew his address."

Gilbert rubbed his hands on his knees and clasped them nervously afterwards. He bit his lip and shrugged.

"I broke." He whispered. "They captured me and they wanted answers... And I broke."


To be continued...

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