Part 8 The toys join the game

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Foxy: Whoa lass why you in a rush?

Roxy: Cause the toys are joining

Everyone: WHAT!

Roxy: Yep

TF: Roxy why are they here?

Roxy: Well they kinda play the game so yea

TC: But why does the fat one have to be here?



Chica and TC look at each other with death glares

TB: Roxy can I go see Bonnie?

Roxy: Sure he's just in the living room watching tv with Foxy

TB: Thanks

Roxy: No problem

Mangle: Hey Roxy what's up?

Roxy: Hey Mangle long time no see and nothing much oh can you stop TC trying to kill Chica?

Mangle: Sure

Both stop them from fighting

TF: Well long time no see Freddy sorry about TC

Freddy: It's ok They just don't like each other

TF: That's true

Golden: Freddy is there any toys in the house?

Freddy: No I don't think so

TF: Is that your brother?

Freddy: Yep Golden come meet TF

Golden: Hello I'm Golden Freddy but u can call me Golden

TF: Nice to meet u Golden I'm Toy Freddy but u can call me TF

Mangle: TF I found something while I was checking out the place

TF: Ok just let me get everyone back in here (calls for TB and TC)

TC and TB: Yes boss?

TF: Mangle says she found something

Foxy,Bonnie,and Chica come in

Foxy: We heard a commotion

Bonnie: Yea what's this about Mangle found something?

Chica: I'm also curious

Mangle: Ok if all of u are curious then I will show u (hold's Plush)

The Toys: O.O

TB: What is it?

Plush: I'm not a it u dummy and let me down

Mangle: (sets him down)

TC: Awwwww look how cute he is (picks him up)

Foxy: Um lass I don't think u should be doing that?

TC: What why?


Bonnie: That's why

Spring: (comes in the room and sees Plush being hold by TC)

TC: Oh

Spring: Put Plush down

TC: (puts Plush down)

Plush: (hides behind Spring)

Spring: Why are they here?

Chica: didn't Roxy tell u?

Spring: Tell me what?

Golden: She said that the toys would be joining

Spring: (picks up plush) oh she did I didn't know sorry that I yelled at u guys

The toys: It's ok

(Hey guys Roxy here and I hoped u guys liked part 8 took a while to add them but I did it well anyway I think I will work on part 9 tomorrow since I have school but I will work on it after school or before class starts. Cya in the next part RoxyFoxy out.)

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