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Your POV

I'm running right now. As fast as my legs could take me. I shove though the crowd of students, making my way to the bathroom. What am I going to do? I can't believe I was so harsh to Usopp. He's scared of me now. One. Of. My. Friends. Is. Scared. Of. Me! All because my anger took over me. It's all my fault. I'm the worst person ever.

When I finally reach the bathroom, I run inside a stall and locked myself in. I sat on the toilet and cried silently. I covered my face as the warm tears flowed down my soft cheeks. I'm an awful person. I shouldn't be alive. I'm the worst...

Ace's POV

I'm still in the hospital right now, so I'm missing school. I wonder how everyone is doing. I hope (y/n) and Luffy are doing ok. They're still hurt, but hopefully they won't hurt themselves even more. The pain on my stomach is fading, but it still hurts.

"Ace!" The doctor came running in. "I see..I see...," he was catching his breath and huffing and puffing loudly.

"Ok now, slow down. What's going on?" I asked with concern.


"It's what?"

"It's your school."

"What about it?" I was getting worried now.

"I see a small fire."

"WHAT?!?! Why don't you tell the firefighters? Why are you telling me?"

"I did tell them. They're on their way now, but I just felt like I should also tell you."

"Thanks for telling me," I said with an angry and scared expression on my face. "I have to see if my friends are ok." I winced in pain as I got up.

"Wait! Your wounds aren't done healing!"

"I don't give a damn. All I need now is to check on my friends. I have to know if they're ok." My face was sweating as I limped my way towards the door.

"Wait!!" The doctor called after me.

"I told you I have to go!" I ran to the elevator, crying in pain once in a while. I finally reached the exit and ran out the door. The school wasn't very far from the hospital. My body was screaming at me to stop but I didn't listen to it. I reached the school after about 5 minutes and saw the fire spreading fast. Oh no. Hopefully they've all escaped. School hasn't even started yet, so hopefully they're still at home.

Your POV

The fire alarm was ringing. Crap. I hurriedly unlocked the door and bolted out the exit of the restroom. The hallways were empty and fire was engulfing the school. I had to get out.

I ran left, because the right side was already in flames. I ran and ran and ran. I was sweating from all the heat and coughing from all the smoke. I halted to a stop as fire came out in front of me. I looked behind. Fire. I can't escape now. I'm trapped. I coughed from some more smoke and fell on my knees.

I'm going to die.

Sabo's POV

The whole school was evacuating out of the school to the fields. We went far away from the school that was now half eaten by flames.

"Is there anyone you see missing?" A teacher yelled to everyone.

Let's see. Luffy, Usopp, Robin, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Vivi, (y/n)... Where's (y/n)?!

"Luffy! Do you see (y/n)?!" I shouted to Luffy.

"Nope!" He shouted back.

"Anyone! Do you see (y/n)?!" I yelled as loud as I could to the crowd. Some of them ignored me and some of them said no.

"Is (y/n) still inside?" Robin asked worriedly.

"Maybe..." I said, just as worriedly as Robin.

"Maybe I should go check!" Luffy said angrily and worriedly, too.

"No! Luffy! You could get stuck too! I don't want to risk that!" I held Luffy back as he screamed and kicked and thrashed around.

"Lemme go!" He yelled repeatedly at me.

"Calm down! She's probably ok!" I lied to him. I hope she's ok though. I hope.

Ace's POV

I saw the firefighters try to wash the fires away.

"Is anyone still inside?" One of them asked.

"No...wait! I see someone!" Another replied. "It's a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes!" That's the exact description of (y/n). It could be someone else with those same features, but I didn't care. I have to save that girl inside. I ran inside the flaming building, panting and sweating.

"Hey! What are you dong? You look like you just came out of the hospital so why are you running inside?!" A firefighter yelled after me. I just ignored him and kept on running.

I went inside the burning school and saw her. (Y/n). She was on her knees about 6 meters away.

"(Y/n)!!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth so I would be louder. The (h/c) haired girl looked up and saw me. Her eyes widened as more sweat came to her face. She had a terrified expression.

"Ace! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be healing!" Some tears came out of her eyes.

"I came to save you!" I came closer to her.

"No! Ace, go away! You'll just get burned! Why did you come? You're still hurt! I don't want you to get hurt anymore by getting burned!" More tears.

"But I can't let you die! I have to save you!"

"You've already done too much for me! Leave while you still can!"

"But, (y/n)-"

"LEAVE!" Even more tears. I'm not going to leave. I started to walk again but my stomach wound stopped me. I screamed.

"ACE!" She yelled. My vision was blurring. I was going to black out again. I could be dying.

"I love you...(y/n)..." I said softly and everything went black.

Your POV

"AAAACCCCEEEE! NNNOOO!" I screamed as even more tears came out of my eyes. This is my fault. Again. If I hadn't gone to the restroom then I wouldn't be trapped and Ace wouldn't have came to save me. What the hell is wrong with me?! Ace already got stabbed in the stomach for me and now he tried to save me from a fire. It's time I pay him back for all he's done for me.

"Ace! I-I'm coming over!" I shouted. I weakly stood up. My knees where wobbling, but I soon managed to stand up right. "Here I go!" I walked up to the fire in front of me, separating me from Ace.

"YAAAHHH!!!" I screamed as I charged through the fire. The flames ate at my skin and my skin screamed in pain. I can't give up now. I ran though the fire as I got closer to Ace. Just one more meter... My vision was blurring but I didn't stop.

I finally reached him and shook my head and my whole body to get the extra fire off. When I stopped burning, I slowly scooped up Ace and put him on my shoulder. He was heavy, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do now is to get Ace to safety.

I weakly walked closer to the door, carrying Ace. My vision was fading and acting strange. There were three blurry doors coming out of each other. I didn't know which one was the real one. A person with a red suit and hat came in all three of the doors and yelled something. I couldn't hear what.

"Save...Ace..." I mumbled weakly and threw Ace in front of me. More flames came and separated me from Ace once again. Too many bad things are happening to me all at once.

"Save him..." I tried to say louder. I then fainted.


Sorry if the chapters are getting shorter! :( I'm running out of ideas right now! DX I'm also sorry for making too much action and not making it more like school... I apologize deeply 😞 I'll try to next time! You guys are the greatest! ^3^ See you next time! Bye! 😄💕

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